Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Academic Surveys Australia, Australia; IFES, Vienna, Austria; Research Center of the Flemish Government, Brussels, and IWEPS, Namur, – mailing by the National Register, Belgium; ESI Center, Bulgaria; Carleton University Survey Centre, Ottawa, Canada; ICCOM, Chile; The National Survey Research Center, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China; GFK market research, Zagreb, Croatia; MEDIAN research age, Czech Republic; Rambøll Denmark A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark; Statistics Finland, Helsinki, Finland; Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST), Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Malakoff, France; TNS Infratest, Munich, Germany; National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), London, Great Britain; TARKI Social Research Institute, Hungary; Social Science Research Institute – University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland; CVoter News Services Pvt. Ltd., India; SSRC (Social Science Research Centre), Dublin, Ireland; B.I. and Lucille Cohen institute, Tel Aviv, Israel; Central Research Services, Inc., Japan; Survey Research Center at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea; Institute of Sociological Research, Latvia; BALTIC SURVEYS Ltd., Lithuania; Instituto de Mercadotecnia y Opinión (IMO), Mexico; Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands; TNS Gallup (contact and paper questionnaire administration) and NSD (web questionnaire administration), Norway; Social Weather Stations, Quezon City, Philippines; Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), Warsaw, Poland; Levada Center, Moscow, Russia; TNS Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia; Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre (CJMMK), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Pretoria, South Africa; Center of Sociological Research (CIS), Spain; SIFO, Sweden; M.I.S. Trend SA, Institut de recherches sociales et économiques, Lausanne, Switzerland; Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Infakto Research Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey; National Opinion Research Center (NORC), USA; Instituto DELPHOS, Caracas, Venezuela
Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Academic Surveys Australia, Australia; IFES, Vienna, Austria; Research Center of the Flemish Government, Brussels, and IWEPS, Namur, – mailing by the National Register, Belgium; ESI Center, Bulgaria; Carleton University Survey Centre, Ottawa, Canada; ICCOM, Chile; The National Survey Research Center, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China; GFK market research, Zagreb, Croatia; MEDIAN research age, Czech Republic; Rambøll Denmark A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark; Statistics Finland, Helsinki, Finland; Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST), Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Malakoff, France; TNS Infratest, Munich, Germany; National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), London, Great Britain; TARKI Social Research Institute, Hungary; Social Science Research Institute – University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland; CVoter News Services Pvt. Ltd., India; SSRC (Social Science Research Centre), Dublin, Ireland; B.I. and Lucille Cohen institute, Tel Aviv, Israel; Central Research Services, Inc., Japan; Survey Research Center at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea; Institute of Sociological Research, Latvia; BALTIC SURVEYS Ltd., Lithuania; Instituto de Mercadotecnia y Opinión (IMO), Mexico; Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands; TNS Gallup (contact and paper questionnaire administration) and NSD (web questionnaire administration), Norway; Social Weather Stations, Quezon City, Philippines; Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), Warsaw, Poland; TNS Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal; Levada Center, Moscow, Russia; TNS Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia; Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre (CJMMK), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Pretoria, South Africa; Center of Sociological Research (CIS), Spain; SIFO, Sweden; M.I.S. Trend SA, Institut de recherches sociales et économiques, Lausanne, Switzerland; Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Infakto Research Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey; National Opinion Research Center (NORC), USA; Instituto DELPHOS, Caracas, Venezuela;
01.06.2012 - 16.06.2012, Russia
01.06.2012 - 16.06.2012, Russland
01.06.2013 - 15.06.2013, Venezuela
01.06.2013 - 15.06.2013, Venezuela
02.02.2013 - 07.04.2013, Turkey
02.02.2013 - 07.04.2013, Türkei
04.2012 - 09.2012, France
04.2012 - 09.2012, Frankreich
05.03.2012 - 11.05.2012, Schweden
05.03.2012 - 11.05.2012, Sweden
06.10.2012 - 29.07.2013, Argentina
06.10.2012 - 29.07.2013, Argentinien
08.01.2013 - 01.03.2013, Denmark
08.01.2013 - 01.03.2013, Dänemark
09.11.2013 - 20.12.2013, Austria
09.11.2013 - 20.12.2013, Österreich
12.01.2013 - 05.02.2013, Litauen
12.01.2013 - 05.02.2013, Lithuania
12.02.2013 - 30.07.2013, Schweiz
12.02.2013 - 30.07.2013, Switzerland
12.10.2013 - 10.11.2013, Croatia
12.10.2013 - 10.11.2013, Kroatien
13.03.2013 - 20.03.2013, Hungary
13.03.2013 - 20.03.2013, Ungarn
13.04.2013 - 25.04.2013, Poland
13.04.2013 - 25.04.2013, Polen
13.11.2013 - 24.02.2014, Belgien
13.11.2013 - 24.02.2014, Belgium
15.04.2012 - 25.06.2012, Spain
15.04.2012 - 25.06.2012, Spanien
15.06.2012 - 01.10.2012, China
15.06.2012 - 01.10.2012, China
15.07.2012 - 14.10.2012, Taiwan
15.07.2012 - 14.10.2012, Taiwan
15.11.2013 - 31.03.2014, Canada
15.11.2013 - 31.03.2014, Kanada
16.04.2013 - 12.05.2013, Latvia
16.04.2013 - 12.05.2013, Lettland
16.08.2011 - 20.09.2011, Bulgaria
16.08.2011 - 20.09.2011, Bulgarien
19.03.2012 - 05.09.2012, USA
19.03.2012 - 05.09.2012, United States
19.11.2011 - 26.04.2012, Israel
19.11.2011 - 26.04.2012, Israel
20.09.2012 - 30.01.2013, South Africa
20.09.2012 - 30.01.2013, Südafrika
21.05.2012 - 12.06.2013, Australia
21.05.2012 - 12.06.2013, Australien
21.09.2012 - 07.12.2012, Finland
21.09.2012 - 07.12.2012, Finnland
21.12.2012 - 20.05.2013, Ireland
21.12.2012 - 20.05.2013, Irland
23.04.2012 - 30.09.2012, Deutschland
23.04.2012 - 30.09.2012, Germany
23.06.2012 - 31.08.2012, South Korea
23.06.2012 - 31.08.2012, Südkorea
23.07.2013 - 19.08.2013, Mexico
23.07.2013 - 19.08.2013, Mexiko
24.02.2012 - 30.03.2012, Czech Republic
24.02.2012 - 30.03.2012, Tschechische Republik
24.03.2014 - 10.04.2014, India
24.03.2014 - 10.04.2014, Indien
24.10.2012 - 30.12.2012, Norway
24.10.2012 - 30.12.2012, Norwegen
24.11.2012 - 02.12.2012, Japan
24.11.2012 - 02.12.2012, Japan
25.10.2012 - 10.12.2012, Slovakia
25.10.2012 - 10.12.2012, Slowakei
28.02.2013 - 01.09.2013, Netherlands
28.02.2013 - 01.09.2013, Niederlande
29.03.2012 - 28.05.2012, Slovenia
29.03.2012 - 28.05.2012, Slowenien
29.06.2014 - 31.01.2015, Portugal
29.06.2014 - 31.01.2015, Portugal
29.11.2012 - 03.12.2012, Philippinen
29.11.2012 - 03.12.2012, Philippines
30.03.2012 - 25.04.2012, Chile
30.03.2012 - 25.04.2012, Chile
30.06.2012 - 07.11.2012, Great Britain
30.06.2012 - 07.11.2012, Großbritannien
30.06.2013 - 21.03.2014, Iceland
30.06.2013 - 21.03.2014, Island