ZA2880: International Social Survey Programme: National Identity I - ISSP 1995: ISSS/A, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Australia; IFES, Institut Fessel & GfK, Wien, Austria; Agency for Social Analyses (ASA), Sofia, Bulgaria; Carleton University Survey Centre, Canada; AMASIA, Czech Republic; TARKI, Budapest, Hungary; Institute (ESRI), Ireland; NHK, Tokyo, Japan; NIPO, Netherlands; Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand; Norwegian Social Science Data Services, Norway; Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland; Center of Field Research (ORBS) at the Polish Academy of Science, Poland; VCIOM, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Sociology, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakian Republic; Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia; ASEP (Analisis Sociologicos Economicos y Politicos), Spain; Statistics Sweden, Sweden; National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago, USA; Infratest, Munich and Infratest Burke, Berlin, Germany; Social Science Research Center UCD and Economic and Social Research SCPR, London, Great Britain ZA3910: International Social Survey Programme: National Identity II - ISSP 2003: Australian Social Science Data Archive, Australia; Institute for Empirical Social Research (IFES), Vienna, Austria; Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; SC&C, Czech Republic; SFI SURVEY, Copenhagen, Denmark; Statistics Finland, Helsinki, Finland; France-ISSP, France; TÁRKI RT Social Research Centre, Hungary; Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Ireland; Research and Evaluation Services (RES), Northern Ireland; Central Research Services, Inc., Japan; Survey Research Center at Sungkyunkwan University, South-Korea; Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; TNS Gallup; Norway; Social Weather Stations, Philippines; Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), Warsaw, Poland; TNS-Euroteste, Portugal; Levada-Center, Russia; ASA, Bratislava, Slovakia; Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre (CJMMK), Ljubljana, Slovenia; Human Sciences Research Council, South-Africa; ASEP, S.A., Spain; SIFO, Sweden; Institut SIDOS, Neuchâtel, Switzerland; National Opinion Research Center (NORC), USA; TNS Infratest Sozialforschung, Germany; B.I. and L. Cohen, Israel; National Centre for Social Research, Great Britain; ZA5950: International Social Survey Programme: National Identity III - ISSP 2013 : Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; ppm Factum, Praha, Czech Republic; Rambøll Denmark A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark; Statistics Finland, Social Survey Unit, Helsinki, Finland; Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST), Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Malakoff, France; TÁRKI Social Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary; Social Science Research Centre, University College Dublin, Ireland; Central Research Services, Inc., Tokyo, Japan; Survey Research Center at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea; Institute of Sociological Research, Latvia; TNS Gallup (contact and paper questionnaire administration) and NSD (web questionnaire administration), Bergen, Norway; Social Weather Stations, Quezon City, Philippines; Levada-Center, Moscow, Russia; FOCUS agency, Bratislava, Slovakia; Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre (CJMMK), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa; GfK, Spain; TNS SIFO, Stockholm, Sweden; M.I.S. Trend SA, Economic and social research institute, Lausanne, Switzerland; National Opinion Research Center (NORC), Chicago, United States; TNS Infrastest, Munich, Germany; B.I. and Lucille Cohen, Institute for public opionion research, Tel Aviv, Israel; TNS Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal; National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), London, Great Britain
ZA2880: International Social Survey Programme: National Identity I - ISSP 1995: ISSS/A, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Australia; IFES, Institut Fessel & GfK, Wien, Austria; Agency for Social Analyses (ASA), Sofia, Bulgaria; Carleton University Survey Centre, Canada; AMASIA, Czech Republic; TARKI, Budapest, Hungary; Institute (ESRI), Ireland; NHK, Tokyo, Japan; NIPO, Netherlands; Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand; Norwegian Social Science Data Services, Norway; Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland; Center of Field Research (ORBS) at the Polish Academy of Science, Poland; VCIOM, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Sociology, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakian Republic; Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia; ASEP (Analisis Sociologicos Economicos y Politicos), Spain; Statistics Sweden, Sweden; National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago, USA; Infratest, Munich and Infratest Burke, Berlin, Germany; Social Science Research Center UCD and Economic and Social Research SCPR, London, Great Britain ZA3910: International Social Survey Programme: National Identity II - ISSP 2003: Australian Social Science Data Archive, Australia; Institute for Empirical Social Research (IFES), Vienna, Austria; Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; SC&C, Czech Republic; SFI SURVEY, Copenhagen, Denmark; Statistics Finland, Helsinki, Finland; France-ISSP, France; TÁRKI RT Social Research Centre, Hungary; Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Ireland; Research and Evaluation Services (RES), Northern Ireland; Central Research Services, Inc., Japan; Survey Research Center at Sungkyunkwan University, South-Korea; Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; TNS Gallup; Norway; Social Weather Stations, Philippines; Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), Warsaw, Poland; TNS-Euroteste, Portugal; Levada-Center, Russia; ASA, Bratislava, Slovakia; Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre (CJMMK), Ljubljana, Slovenia; Human Sciences Research Council, South-Africa; ASEP, S.A., Spain; SIFO, Sweden; Institut SIDOS, Neuchâtel, Switzerland; National Opinion Research Center (NORC), USA; TNS Infratest Sozialforschung, Germany; B.I. and L. Cohen, Israel; National Centre for Social Research, Great Britain; ZA5950: International Social Survey Programme: National Identity III - ISSP 2013: Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; ppm Factum, Praha, Czech Republic; Rambøll Denmark A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark; Statistics Finland, Social Survey Unit, Helsinki, Finland; Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST), Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Malakoff, France; TÁRKI Social Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary; Social Science Research Centre, University College Dublin, Ireland; Central Research Services, Inc., Tokyo, Japan; Survey Research Center at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea; Institute of Sociological Research, Latvia; TNS Gallup (contact and paper questionnaire administration) and NSD (web questionnaire administration), Bergen, Norway; Social Weather Stations, Quezon City, Philippines; Levada-Center, Moscow, Russia; FOCUS agency, Bratislava, Slovakia; Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre (CJMMK), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa; GfK, Spain; TNS SIFO, Stockholm, Sweden; M.I.S. Trend SA, Economic and social research institute, Lausanne, Switzerland; National Opinion Research Center (NORC), Chicago, United States; TNS Infrastest, Munich, Germany; B.I. and Lucille Cohen, Institute for public opionion research, Tel Aviv, Israel; TNS Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal; National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), London, Great Britain