  • "Questions on generalization depend on the context of available data and the goals of generalizing from research findings. Sometimes, generalization is not only of minor interest, but it can be misleading. Of course, science is interested in principles, we want to know the underlying logic of individual and social processes. But how "generally" do we want to apply the "particular" findings - and is there a need for generalization?" (author's abstract). Contents: Leo Gürtler, Günter L. Huber: Should we generalize? Anyway, we do it all the time in everyday life (17-35); Thomas Burkart, Gerhard Kleining: Generalisierung durch qualitative Heuristik (37-52); Rudolf Schmitt: Attempts not to over-generalize the results of metaphor analyses (53-70); Pascal Dey, Julia Nentwich: The identity politics of qualitative research. A discourse analytic inter-text (71-105); M.Concepción Dominguez, Antonio Medina Rivilla: Integrated methodology: From self-observation to debate groups to the design of intercultural educational materials and teacher training (107-128); Tiberio Feliz Murias, M. Carmen Ricoy Lorenzo: From feedback about resources to the improvement of the curricular design of practical training as a generalization process (129-144); M. Carmen Ricoy Lorenzo, Tiberio Feliz Murias: Competencies design as a qualitative process of generalization. Designing the competencies of educators in the technological resources (145-160); Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Julia Markner: Youth welfare services and problems of borderline personality disorder. Suggestions from the perspective of the client – a single case study (161-176); Inge Herfort, Andreas Weiss, Martin Mühlberger: Intercultural competence for transnational co-operations between small and medium-sized enterprises in Austria and Hungary (177-189); Lorenzo Almazán Moreno, Ana Ortiz Colón: A study of the training needs of adults in 21st-century society: integrated methodological research model involving discussion groups, questionnaires and case studies (191-194); Samuel Gento, M. Concepción Dominguez, Antonio Medina: Problems of discipline and learning in the educational system (195-233); Michaela Gläser-Zikuda: The relation of instructional quality to students' emotions in secondary schools - a qualitative-quantitative study (235-248). (xsd:string)
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