The economic and social crisis highlights the importance of social connections, as they could potentially function as a sort of "personal safety net". These connections can provide
social support, access to information, informal help or jobs, emotional support (Coleman 1990), and may deeply affect an individual’s ability to cope with job loss or declining
incomes. On a social level, political activities, volunteering, helping each other, keeping a promise or telling the truth, are the "cement of society". It becomes critically important in a social climate of increasing uncertainty and risk. This article focuses on social
and political participation indicators, including trust, social meetings, political activities and social isolation. We present Germany in a European context, and also compare the
situation of specific social groups in Germany. The unemployed are particularly exposed to social isolation: about one out of eight German unemployed have no close friend at
all. In addition, they are less likely to be politically active, which reduces their interest representation potentials.