Assumptions about human nature engage the domain of philosophy as a long established matter of discourse. In contrast, comparatively little is known about such assumptions from the view point of differential psychology. A 64-item questionnaire was developed, comprising items, rating scales, and trilemmata, including topics such as brain and consciousness (mind-body), free will, assumptions on evolution or creation of mankind, concepts of god, theodicy, meaning of life. Data were gathered from students at seven German (West and East) universities. The majority of participants (n = 563) were psychology students, and 233 (primarily at the University of Freiburg) were students from other faculties. Assumptions about human nature were evaluated according to concepts of monism-dualism-complementary, atheism-agnosticism-deism-theism, attitude toward transcendence-immanence, and the self-ratings of religiosity and interest in meaning of life. Findings depict a manifold of belief systems, however, there was little difference among psychology students relating to gender, first or second year. Students from psychology, philosophy, and natural sciences showed similar profiles. The majority of participants were convinced that philosophical preconceptions on mind-body and free will could have important practical implications for the way in which psychotherapists, physicians, or judges exercise their profession.