RDF Graph Measures for the Analysis of RDF Graphs

Home / Government


Datasets in the Government domain have quite heterogeneous distributions of values for a high number of measures. Striking is the high variance of the mean predicate list degree measure, meaning that they are not homegeneous in terms of the used predicates per subject. This could imply that there is irregular and mixed use of vocabularies, so that there are no special recurrent structures in the topologies of the graphs.

Analyzed datasets in this domain
Name # of Edges
abs-linked-data 1,489,689,235
ecb-linked-data 471,856,710
world-bank-linked-data 173,361,917
frb-linked-data 149,471,155
govagribus-denmark 64,915,314
bis-linked-data 54,160,239
fao-linked-data 52,719,297
imf-linked-data 44,381,726
transport-data-gov-uk 43,069,665
government-web-integration-for-linked-data 40,452,735
public-spending-in-greece 11,338,759
uis-linked-data 10,316,980
education-data-gov-uk 8,169,284
hellenic-fire-brigade 4,165,847
rkb-explorer-cordis 3,548,975
asn-us 3,244,898
sec-rdfabout 1,814,615
istat-immigration 1,711,461
bfs-linked-data 1,709,823
japan-radioactivity-stat 1,648,890
semantic-xbrl 1,466,193
linked-taiwan-geo-names 1,365,689
oecd-linked-data 850,090
statistics-data-gov-uk 343,733
odc-lsoa 273,128
english-index-of-multiple-deprivation-score-2010 194,892
hellenic-police 135,369
renewable_energy_generators 99,917
data-incubator-nasa 99,452
clean-energy-data-reegle 57,712
research-data-gov-uk 43,102
transparency-linked-data 38,513
courts-thesaurus 26,115
patents-data-gov-uk 11,627
business-data-gov-uk 8,606
datos-bcn-cl 1,198
eu-institutions 643
Last update of this page: 25 March 2020 13:38:38 CET