  • "In the German General Social Survey (GGSS) attitudes towards abortion are asked with a bipolar response scale which allows respondents to either disapprove or to approve the legal use of abortion in varying circumstances. This response scale is used since the early 1980s. However, trends over time show that less and less respondents support abortion absolutely. We observe this finding especially when circumstances are described in which the health of the woman or the child is endangered. This trend reaches a dimension where it hinders the analysis of the responses since there is not enough variation in the answers. Based on a pretest we saw that a 3-point response scale can solve this problem to some extent since respondents answer more differentiated. As a result we developed a slightly adjusted 3-point response scale for the GGSS 2012 where respondents can choose between disapproving, approving to a certain extent and approving entirely to abortion under different specific circumstances. In the GGSS 2012, an experiment was conducted were we asked in a split the new version and the old bipolar version of the response scale. In the presentation I will show results of the pretest as well as first results of the GGSS 2012 showing to what extent the new enlarged version of the response scale leads to different results as the old version and will give a preliminary assessment of the new response scale."Die Autorin verwendet Daten des ALLBUS zwischen 1982 und 2012, um Einstellungen gegenüber einer Abtreibung mithilfe verschiedener Skalen abzubilden. (xsd:string)
  • (ALLBUS) (xsd:string)
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  • Aufgenommen: 29. Fassung, März 2015 (xsd:gyear)
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  • A response scale experiment for items about attitudes towards abortion in the German General Social Survey (xsd:string)
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  • 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (xsd:string)
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  • In 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2013 (xsd:string)
  • 17.07.2013 (xsd:gyear)
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