  • Das vorliegende Tabellenwerk ist die erste größere Publikation der im Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Göttingen durchgeführten Forschungen zur historischen Gewerbestatistik Preußens und Deutschlands vor 1850. Diese Forschungen wurden im Rahmen von der DFG geförderten Schwerpunktes "Quellen und Forschungen zur historischen Statistik von Deutsch¬land" durchgeführt. Ihr längerfristiges Ziel war die Erarbeitung einer möglichst umfassenden, sektoral und regional gegliederten historischen Gewerbestatistik Preußens sowie Deutschlands vor 1850. Das erste Tabellenwerk konzentrierte sich auf den Bereich Bergbau, Hüttenwesen und Salinen (Bd. 1). Weitere Tabellenwerke betrafen das Textilgewerbe (Bd. 2) sowie „Ausgewählte Gewerbe“ (Bd. 3: Bau und Ausbau, Bekleidung, Leder, Metallverarbeitung, Holzverarbeitung, Nahrung und Genuss).
    „Ziel der vorliegenden Veröffentlichung ist es, auf der Grundlage der breit herangezogenen Quellen das Berg-, Hütten- und Salinenwesen in Preußen vor 1850 möglichst umfassend und sachlich, zeitlich wie räumlich differenziert quantitativ (statistisch) darzustellen. Beabsichtigt ist also eine Totalerfassung der vorliegenden zeitgenössischen Daten auf der Grundlage einheitlicher Fragestellungen und Methoden“ Kaufhold, K.H./Sachse, W. (Hrsg.), a.a.O., S. III ff).
    Die Gliederung des Bandes folgt im Tabellenteil zunächst nach den drei großen Produktbereichen: Bergbau (A), Hüttenwesen (B) und Salinenwesen (C). Diese sind – in sich jeweils gleich - unterteilt nach den Erhebungsräumen (Preußen insgesamt = 1, Preußen nach Hauptbergdistrikten = 2, einzelne Bergamtsbezirke und andere Erhebungsgebiete = 3). Preußen hatte fünf Hauptbergdistrikte: 1. Brandenburg-preußischer Hauptbergdistrikt, 2. Schlesischer Hauptbergdistrikt, 3. Niedersächsisch – thüringischer Hauptbergdistrikt, 4. Westfälischer Hauptbergdistrikt und5. Rheinischer Hauptbergdistrikt.
    Für die drei Erhebungsräume (jeweils gegliedert nach „Preußen insgesamt“ und den fünf Hauptbergdistrikten) folgen einzelnen Produkttabellen, die jeweils in derselben Reihenfolge aufgenommen wurden:
    Produktgruppe A, Bergbau: (1) Eisenerze und Eisensteine; (2) Kupfererze, (3) Bleierze; (4) Silbererze; (5) Zinkerze (Galmei und Blende); (6) Kobalterze; (7) Arsenikerze; (8) Antimonerze; (9) Manganerze; (10) Alaunerze; (11) Vitriolerze; (12) Steinkohlen; (13) Braunkohlen; (14) Graphit;
    Produktgruppe B, Hüttenwesen: (1) Eisenhüttenproduktion; (2) Roheisen; (3) Rohstahleisen; (4) Gusswaren; (5) Stabeisen und gewalztes Eisen; (6) Eisenbleche; (7) Eisendraht; (8) Rohstahl; (9) Silber; (10) Blei; (11) Glätte; (12) Gewalzte Bleiplatten; (13) Garkupfer; (14) Kupfer; (15) Messing; (16) Zink; (17) Barren- und Plattenzink; (18) Zinkbleche; (19) Blaue Farbe (Smalte oder Kobalt); (20) Arsenik; (21) Antimonium; (22) Alaun; (23) Kupfervitriol; (24) Eisenvitriol; (25) Gemischter Vitriol; (25) Schwefel.
    Produktgruppe C, Salinenwesen: (1) Salinensalz; (2) Weißes Kochsalz; (3) Schwarzes und gelbes Salz; (4) Düngesalz (Gips).

    In den Tabellen sind entsprechend dem Quellencharakter des Werkes die zeitgenössischen Produktkategorien weitestgehend beibehalten worden. Umgruppierungen schieden aber auch aus praktischen Gründen aus, denn neue Definitionen dieser Kategorien waren nachträglich nicht mehr sinnvoll möglich. Lediglich im Bereich des Hüttenwesens sind gelegentlich (etwa bei Eisen, Kupfer und Messing) auch Teile der Weiterverarbeitung mit enthalten; in ähnlicher Weise gilt dies für einige Halbzeuge (Bleche, Draht) sowie bei der hüttenmännischen Produktion von Chemikalien, bei der z. T. die Erzeugung chemischer Fabriken erfasst ist, die sich davon nicht trennen ließ. Auf solche Abweichungen wird in den Tabellen jeweils hingewiesen.
    Im Wesentlichen wurden folgende Größen (= Variablen) in die Tabellen aufgenommen:
    (1) Produktionsanlagen, Produktionsapparat; (2) Produktionsmengen (in aller Regel wurde die gesamte Produktion/Förderung eines Jahres erfasst); (3) Produktionswert; (4) Beschäftigte (Jahresdurchschnitte); (5) Familienangehörige.

    Datentabellen in HISTAT:
    Die folgende Übersicht enthält lediglich die Grobgliederung des Tabellenwerkes nach Produktgruppen, Erhebungsräumen und den Hauptbergdistrikten.

    A. Bergbau:
    A.1. Preußen insgesamt;
    A.2. Preußen nach Hauptbergdistrikten;
    A.2.1. Brandenburg-preußischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    A.2.2. Schlesischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    A.2.3. Niedersächsisch – thüringischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    A.2.4. Westfälischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    A.2.5. Rheinischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    A.3 Einzelne Bergamtsbezirke und andere Erhebungsgebiete.
    Produkttabellen: (1) Eisenerze und Eisensteine; (2) Kupfererze, (3) Bleierze; (4) Silbererze; (5) Zinkerze (Galmei und Blende); (6) Kobalterze; (7) Arsenikerze; (8) Antimonerze; (9) Manganerze; (10) Alaunerze; (11) Vitriolerze; (12) Steinkohlen; (13) Braunkohlen; (14) Graphit.

    B. Hüttenwesen:
    B.1. Preußen insgesamt;
    B.2. Preußen nach Hauptbergdistrikten;
    B.2.1. Brandenburg-preußischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    B.2.2. Schlesischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    B.2.3. Niedersächsisch – thüringischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    B.2.4. Westfälischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    B.2.5. Rheinischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    B.3 Einzelne Bergamtsbezirke und andere Erhebungsgebiete.
    Produkttabellen: (1) Eisenhüttenproduktion; (2) Roheisen; (3) Rohstahleisen; (4) Gusswaren; (5) Stabeisen und gewalztes Eisen; (6) Eisenbleche; (7) Eisendraht; (8) Rohstahl; (9) Silber; (10) Blei; (11) Glätte; (12) Gewalzte Bleiplatten; (13) Garkupfer; (14) Kupfer; (15) Messing; (16) Zink; (17) Barren- und Plattenzink; (18) Zinkbleche; (19) Blaue Farbe (Smalte oder Kobalt); (20) Arsenik; (21) Antimonium; (22) Alaun; (23) Kupfervitriol; (24) Eisenvitriol; (25) Gemischter Vitriol; (25) Schwefel.

    C. Salinenwesen:
    C.1. Preußen insgesamt;
    C.2. Preußen nach Hauptbergdistrikten;
    C.2.1. Brandenburg-preußischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    C.2.2. Schlesischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    C.2.3. Niedersächsisch – thüringischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    C.2.4. Westfälischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    C.2.5. Rheinischer Hauptbergdistrikt;
    C.3 Einzelne Bergamtsbezirke und andere Erhebungsgebiete.
    Produkttabellen: (1) Salinensalz; (2) Weißes Kochsalz; (3) Schwarzes und gelbes Salz; (4) Düngesalz (Gips).
  • The present table collection is one of the hugest publications of the institute for economic and social history of the University of Göttingen about the historical industrial statistics of Prussia and Germany before 1850. These investigations were done in the context of the focus field “Sources and research on historical statistics of Germany” subsidized by the DFG. The long term objective was the development of a comprehensive, sectorial and geographically divided historical industrial statistics of Prussia and Germany before 1850. The first table collection is focused on the sectors coal mines, steel mills and salt works (Bd. 1). Further table collections were about the textile branch (Bd. 2) and “different industries” (Bd.3: Construction, clothing, leather, metal processing, wood processing, food and beverage).
    “The objective of the present publication is to present the sectors coal mines, steel mills and salt works quantitatively (statistically) as comprehensive as possible and detailed in time and geographical areas. A full registration of the contemporary data is intended on the basis of uniform approaches and methods” (Kaufhold, K.H./Sachse, W. (Hrsg.), a. cit., p. III ff).
    The structure of the publication is divided in three huge production areas: coal mines (A), steel mills (B) and salt works (C). Each of these parts is subdivided in the same way. (Prussia altogether = 1, Prussia by main districts = 2, single districts and other territories = 3).
    Prussia had five main districts: 1. Brandenburg-Prussian main district, 2. Silesian main district, 3. Low Saxon - Thuringian main district, 4. Westphalian main district and 5. Rhenish Main district.
    All three production areas (each subdivided by “Prussia altogether” and the five main districts) have different tables with products, always listed in the same order:
    Product group A, coal mining: (1) Iron ores and iron ores, (2) copper ores, (3) lead ores,(4) silver ores, (5) zinc ores, (6) Cobalt ores,(7) arsenic ores , (8) antimony ores, (9) manganese ores, (10) alum ores, (11) vitriol ores, (12) coal, (13) lignite, (14) graphite;
    Product group B, steel mills: (1) iron and steel production, (2) pig iron, (3) crude iron, (4) castings, (5) bar iron and rolled iron, (6) iron sheets, (7) iron wire, (8) crude steel, (9) Silver, (10) lead, (11) smoothness, (12) rolled lead plates, (13) gar copper, (14) copper, (15) brass, (16) Zinc, (17) ingots and zinc plate; (18) Zinc sheets; (19) Blue color (smalt or cobalt); (20) Arsenic; (21) Antimony, (22) alum, (23) vitriol, (24) green vitriol, (25) mixed vitriol, (25) sulfur;
    Product group C, salt works: (1) saline salt, (2) white saline, (3) black and yellow salt, (4) manure salt (gypsum).
    The temporary product categories were maintained most of the times according to the type of source. Regroupings were not rejected because practical reasons, but because new definitions of categories were not applicable to the historical data. Only in the area of steel mills (for instance for iron, copper and brass) some parts of the further processing are included; similar cases are semi-finished products (sheets, wire) and metallurgical production of chemicals which partly contains the production of chemical fabrics that could not be separated. Deviations like this are announced.
    Most of the times the following Quantities (=Variables) were used in the tables:
    (1) Production equipment, production equipment; (2) production quantities (usually the entire production / promotion of a year were recorded); (3) production value; (4) Employees (annual averages); (5) family members.

    Data tables in HISTAT:
    The following overview only contains the rough structuring of the table collection by product groups, survey territories and main districts

    A. Coal Mining:
    A.1. Prussia altogether;
    A.2. Prussia divided by main districts;
    A.2.1. Brandenburg-Prussian main district;
    A.2.2. Silesian main district;
    A.2.3. Low Saxon - Thuringian main district;
    A.2.4. Westphalian main district;
    A.2.5. Rhenish main district;
    A.3 Single districts and other territories
    Product tables: (1) Iron ores and iron ores, (2) copper ores, (3) lead ores,(4) silver ores, (5) zinc ores, (6) Cobalt ores,(7) arsenic ores , (8) antimony ores, (9) manganese ores, (10) alum ores, (11) vitriol ores, (12) coal, (13) lignite, (14) graphite.

    B. Coal mining:
    B.1. Prussia altogether;
    B.2. Prussia divided by main districts;
    B.2.1. Brandenburg-Prussian main district;
    B.2.2. Silesian main district;
    B.2.3. Low Saxon - Thuringian main district;
    B.2.4. Westphalian main district;
    B.2.5. Rhenish main district;
    B.3 Single districts and other territories
    Product tables: (1) Iron ores and iron ores, (2) copper ores, (3) lead ores,(4) silver ores, (5) zinc ores, (6) Cobalt ores,(7) arsenic ores , (8) antimony ores, (9) manganese ores, (10) alum ores, (11) vitriol ores, (12) coal, (13) lignite, (14) graphite;
    Product group B, steel mills: (1) iron and steel production, (2) pig iron, (3) crude iron, (4) castings, (5) bar iron and rolled iron, (6) iron sheets, (7) iron wire, (8) crude steel, (9) Silver, (10) lead, (11) smoothness, (12) rolled lead plates, (13) gar copper, (14) copper, (15) brass, (16) Zinc, (17) ingots and zinc plate; (18) Zinc sheets; (19) Blue color (smalt or cobalt); (20) Arsenic; (21) Antimony, (22) alum, (23) vitriol, (24) green vitriol, (25) mixed vitriol, (25) sulfur

    C. Salt works:
    C.1. Prussia altogether;
    C.2. Prussia divided by main districts;
    C.2.1. Brandenburg-Prussian main district;
    C.2.2. Silesian main district;
    C.2.3. Low Saxon - Thuringian main district;
    C.2.4. Westphalian main district;
    C.2.5. Rhenish main district;
    C.3 Single districts and other territories
    Product tables: 1) saline salt, (2) white saline, (3) black and yellow salt, (4) manure salt (gypsum)

    Register of tables in HISTAT:
    A. Coal mining
    A.1.0. Prussia altogether;
    A.1.0.01 Prussia altogether: iron ores (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.02 Prussia altogether: copper lead and silver ores (1837-1841)
    A.1.0.03 Prussia altogether: lead ores (1842-1850)
    A.1.0.04 Prussia altogether: copper ores (1842-1850)
    A.1.0.05 Prussia altogether: zinc ores (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.06 Prussia altogether: cobalt ores (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.07 Prussia altogether: arsenic ores (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.08 Prussia altogether: antimony ores (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.09 Prussia altogether: manganese ores (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.10 Prussia altogether: alum ores (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.11 Prussia altogether: vitriol ores (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.12 Prussia altogether: coal (1837-1850)
    A.1.0.13 Prussia altogether: lignite (1825-1836)
    A.1.0.14 Prussia altogether: lignite (1837-1850)

    A.2. Prussia divided by main districts
    A.2.1 Brandenburg-Prussian main district
    A.2.1.01 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: iron ores (1836-1850)
    A.2.1.02 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: alum ores (1836-1850)
    A.2.1.03 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: lignite (1843-1850)

    A.2.2 Silesian main district
    A.2.2.01 Silesian main district: iron ores (1836-1850)
    A.2.2.02 Silesian main district: lead ores (1836-1850)
    A.2.2.03 Silesian main district: copper ores (1836-1850)
    A.2.2.04 Silesian main district: zinc ores (1813-1850)
    A.2.2.05 Silesian main district: calamine (1760-1800)
    A.2.2.06 Silesian main district: cobalt ores (1835-1843)
    A.2.2.07 Silesian main district: arsenic ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.2.08 Silesian main district: alum ores (1839-1850)
    A.2.2.09 Silesian main district: vitriol ores (1836-1850)
    A.2.2.10 Silesian main district: coal Schlesien (union mines altogether) (1777-1806)
    A.2.2.11 Silesian main district: coal and Coke (1815-1850)
    A.2.2.12 Silesian main district: lignite (1839-1850)
    A.2.2.13 Silesian main district: graphit (1843-1850)

    A.2.3 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district
    A.2.3.01 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: iron ores (1832-1850)
    A.2.3.02 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: copper ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.3.03 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: copper slate and sand ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.3.04 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: copper slate (1785-1850)
    A.2.3.05 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: cobalt ores (1837-1843)
    A.2.3.06 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: antimony ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.3.07 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: alum ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.3.08 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: vitriol ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.3.09 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: coal (1816-1831)
    A.2.3.10 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: coal (1832-1850)
    A.2.3.11 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: coal (1816-1850)
    A.2.3.12 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: lignite (1825-1836)
    A.2.3.13 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: lignite (1832-1850)
    A.2.3.14 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: lignite (1825-1850)

    A.2.4 Westphalian main district
    A.2.4.01 Westphalian main district: iron ores (1830-1850)
    A.2.4.02 Westphalian main district: bog iron-diggings (1830-1850)
    A.2.4.03 Westphalian main district: zinc ores (Calamine) (1816-1850)
    A.2.4.04 Westphalian main district: alum ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.4.05 Westphalian main district: coal (PM in t) (1792-1850)
    A.2.4.06 Westphalian main district: coal (Debit) (1792-1850)
    A.2.4.07 Westphalian main district: coal (PM in preußischen Tonnen) (1816-1850)
    A.2.4.08 Westphalian main district: coke (PM in Ctr.) (1836-1850)
    A.2.4.09 Westphalian main district: lignite (1844-1850)

    A.2.5. Rhenish main district;
    A.2.5.01 Rhenish main district: iron ores (1822-1834)
    A.2.5.02 Rhenish main district: iron ores (1829-1850)
    A.2.5.03 Rhenish main district: lead ores (1822-1850)
    A.2.5.04 Rhenish main district: lead ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.5.05 Rhenish main district: copper ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.5.06 Rhenish main district: zinc ores (1822-1850)
    A.2.5.07 Rhenish main district: zinc ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.5.08 Rhenish main district: cobalt ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.5.09 Rhenish main district: antimony ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.5.10 Rhenish main district: manganerze (1837-1850)
    A.2.5.11 Rhenish main district: alum ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.5.12 Rhenish main district: vitriol ores (1837-1850)
    A.2.5.13 Rhenish main district: coal (1816-1828)
    A.2.5.14 Rhenish main district: coal (1829-1850)
    A.2.5.15 Rhenish main district: lignite (1822-1828)
    A.2.5.16 Rhenish main district: lignite (1825-1836)
    A.2.5.17 Rhenish main district: lignite (1829-1836)

    A.3. Single districts and other territories
    A.3.1 Silesian main district
    A.3.1.01 Oberschlesien altogether: Iron ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.1.02 Oberschlesien (Private mines): Iron ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.1.03 Oberschlesien altogether: Coal (1769-1850)
    A.3.1.04 Oberschlesien altogether: Coal (1837-1850)
    A.3.1.05 Oberschlesien (union mines): Coal (1777-1815)
    A.3.1.06 Oberschlesien (fiscal mines): Coal (1791-1850)
    A.3.1.07 Fürstentum Pleß: Coal (1838-1850)
    A.3.1.08 Niederschlesien: Iron ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.1.09 Niederschlesien: Coal und Coke (1767-1850)
    A.3.1.10 Niederschlesien: Coal (1837-1850)
    A.3.1.11 District Schweidnitz: Coal (1777-1815)
    A.3.1.12 District Münsterberg-Glatz: Coal (1777-1715)
    A.3.1.13 Querbach and Reichenstein: Cobalt and arsenic ore coal mining (1777-1806)

    A.3.2 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district
    A.3.2.01 District Mansfeld: Iron ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.02 District Mansfeld: Copper ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.03 District Mansfeld: Copper slate (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.04 District Mansfeld: Antimony ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.05 District Mansfeld (fiscal): Alum ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.06 District Mansfeld (union): Alum ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.07 District Mansfeld: Lignite (1843-1850)
    A.3.2.08 District Magdeburg: Iron ores und Iron ores (1840-1850)
    A.3.2.09 District Magdeburg: Vitriol ores (1837-1842)
    A.3.2.10 District Magdeburg: Lignite (1817-1850)
    A.3.2.11 District Henneberg-Neustadt: Iron ores (1817-1850)
    A.3.2.12 District Henneberg-Neustadt: Copper ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.13 District Henneberg-Neustadt: Coal (1840-1850)
    A.3.2.14 District Wettin: Coal (1817-1850)
    A.3.2.15 District Wettin: Coal (1817-1850)
    A.3.2.16 District Wettin: Coal (1817-1850)
    A.3.2.17 District Wettin (fiscal): Lignite (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.18 District Wettin (private und union mines): Lignite (1843-1850)
    A.3.2.19 Districte Wettin und Mansfeld: Vitriol ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.2.20 Districte Wettin und Mansfeld: Lignite (1817-1850)

    A.3.3 Westphalian main district
    A.3.3.01 Westphalian main district: Individual mining authorities, Iron ores (1830-1836)
    A.3.3.02 Westphalian main district: Märkisch Mining Authority, Coal (1764-1791)
    A.3.3.03 Westphalian main district: Märkisch Mining Authority, Coal (1792-1850)
    A.3.3.04 Westphalian main district: Märkisch Mining Authority, Coal (Debit) (1794-1806)
    A.3.3.05 Westphalian main district: Märkisch Mining Authority, Coal (1816-1850)
    A.3.3.06 Westphalian main district: Märkisch Mining Authority, Coal (1787-1850)
    A.3.3.07 Westphalian main district: Essen-Werden Mining Authority, Coal (1816-1850)
    A.3.3.08 Westphalian main district: Essen-Werden Mining Authority, Coal (1804-1850)
    A.3.3.09 Westphalian main district: Herrschaft Hardenberg, Coal (1816-1850)
    A.3.3.10 Westphalian main district: Herrschaft Broich, Coal (1816-1850)
    A.3.3.11 Westphalian main district: Herrschaft Broich, Coal (Piece coals and coals mottled) (1816-1850)
    A.3.3.12 Westphalian main district: Tecklenburg-Lingensch Mining Authority, Coal (1836-1850)
    A.3.3.13 Westphalian main district: Tecklenburg-Lingensch Mining Authority (fiscal Coal mining), Coal (1747-1850)
    A.3.3.14 Westphalian main district: Tecklenburg-Lingensch Mining Authority (fiscal Coal mining), Coal (1816-1850)
    A.3.3.15 Westphalian main district: Tecklenburg-Lingensch Mining Authority, Coal (1836-1850)
    A.3.3.16 Westphalian main district: Minden-Ravensbergisch Mining Authority, Coal (1770-1836)

    A.3.4 Rhenish main district
    A.3.4.01 District Düren: Iron ores (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.02 District Düren: Lead ores (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.03 District Düren: Zinc ores (Calamine) (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.04 District Düren: Glaze ore or Alquifoux (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.05 District Düren: Coal (1817-1850)
    A.3.4.06 District Düren: Coal (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.07 District Düren: Lignite (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.08 District Saarbrücken: Iron ores (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.09 District Saarbrücken: Lead- und Copper ores (1829-1836)
    A.3.4.10 District Saarbrücken: Lead ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.4.11 District Saarbrücken: Alum ores (1831-1841)
    A.3.4.12 District Saar: Coal (1779-1793)
    A.3.4.13 District Saar: Coal (1795-1813)
    A.3.4.14 District Saarbrücken (fiscal mines): Coal (1816-1850)
    A.3.4.15 District Saarbrücken (private mines): Coal (1817-1850)
    A.3.4.16 District Saarbrücken altogether: Coal (1816-1850)
    A.3.4.17 District Saarbrücken (private mines): Coal (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.18 District Saarbrücken (fiscal coal mining): Coal (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.19 District Siegen: Iron ores (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.20 District Siegen: Iron ores (1822-1850)
    A.3.4.21 District Siegen: Lead and copper ores (PM in Ctr.) (1829-1836)
    A.3.4.22 District Siegen: Lead ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.4.23 District Siegen: Copper ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.4.24 District Siegen: Zinc ores (Calamine) (1838-1850)
    A.3.4.25 District Siegen: Cobalt ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.4.26 District Siegen: Alum ores (1837-1850)
    A.3.4.27 District Siegen: Lignite (1829-1850)
    A.3.4.28 Districte Saarbrücken und Düren: Coal (PM in t) (1817-1850)
    A.3.4.29 Districte Saarbrücken und Düren: Lead ores (1822-1850)
    A.3.4.30 Districte Saarbrücken und Düren: Zinc ores (1822-1850)

    B. Coal mining
    B.1.0 Prussia altogether
    B.1.0.01a Prussia altogether: Iron and steel production (PM in Ctr.) (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.01b Prussia altogether: Iron and steel production (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.02 Prussia altogether: Pig-iron (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.03 Prussia altogether: Crude iron (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.04 Prussia altogether: Molding ware I (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.05 Prussia altogether: Molding ware II (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.06 Prussia altogether: Bar iron and rolled iron (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.07 Prussia altogether: Iron sheets (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.08 Prussia altogether: Iron wire (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.09 Prussia altogether: Crude steel (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.10 Prussia altogether: Silver (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.11 Prussia altogether: Lead (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.12 Prussia altogether: Lead (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.13 Prussia altogether: Sleekness (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.14 Prussia altogether: Sleekness (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.15 Prussia altogether: Rolled lead plates (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.16 Prussia altogether: Tough-pitch copper (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.17 Prussia altogether: Copper (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.18 Prussia altogether: Copper (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.19 Prussia altogether: Brass (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.20 Prussia altogether: Brass (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.21 Prussia altogether: Zinc (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.22 Prussia altogether: Ingots and zinc sheets (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.23 Prussia altogether: Zinc plates (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.24 Prussia altogether: Blue colour (Smalte or Kobalt) (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.25 Prussia altogether: Blue colour (Smalte) (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.26 Prussia altogether: Arsenic (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.27 Prussia altogether: Antimonium (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.28 Prussia altogether: Alaun (1823-1836)
    B.1.0.29 Prussia altogether: Alaun (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.30 Prussia altogether: Copper vitriol (1824-1836)
    B.1.0.31 Prussia altogether: Copper vitriol (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.32 Prussia altogether: Iron vitriol (1824-1836)
    B.1.0.33 Prussia altogether: Iron vitriol (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.34 Prussia altogether: Mixed vitrio l(1824-1836)
    B.1.0.35 Prussia altogether: Mixed vitriol (1837-1850)
    B.1.0.36 Prussia altogether: Sulfur (1837-1850)

    B.2. Prussia by main disctricts
    B.2.1 Brandenburg-Prussian main district
    B.2.1.01 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Iron and steel production (PM in Ctr.) (1823-1850)
    B.2.1.02 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Iron and steel production altogether (1823-1850)
    B.2.1.03 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Molding ware I (1837-1850)
    B.2.1.04 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Molding ware II (1837-1850)
    B.2.1.05 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Bar iron and rolled iron (1837-1850)
    B.2.1.06 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Iron sheets (1837-1850)
    B.2.1.07 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Steal (1837-1850)
    B.2.1.08 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Fine silver and Tough-pitch copper (1822-1831)
    B.2.1.09 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Lead plates (1830-1850)
    B.2.1.10 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: processed Copper (1837-1850)
    B.2.1.11 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Brass (1823-1850)
    B.2.1.12 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Zinc plates (1830-1850)
    B.2.1.13 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Alaun (1813-1829)
    B.2.1.14 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Alaun (and Glauber´s salt) (1830-1850)
    B.2.1.15 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Vitriol (1839-1850)

    B.2.2 Silesian main district
    B.2.2.01 Silesian main district: Iron and steel production (PM in Ctr.) (1823-1850)
    B.2.2.02 Silesian main district: Iron and steel production altogether (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.03 Silesian main district: Pig-iron (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.04 Silesian main district: Crude iron (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.05 Silesian main district: Molding were I (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.06 Silesian main district: Molding were II (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.07 Silesian main district: Bar iron and rolled iron (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.08 Silesian main district: Iron sheets (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.09 Silesian main district: Iron wire (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.10 Silesian main district: Silver and Lead (1815-1836)
    B.2.2.11 Silesian main district: Silver (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.12 Silesian main district: Lead (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.13 Silesian main district: Tough-pitch copper (1815-1850)
    B.2.2.14 Silesian main district: Processed Copper (1837-1850)
    B.2.2.15 Silesian main district: Brass (1823-1847)
    B.2.2.16 Silesian main district: Zinc (1815-1829)
    B.2.2.17 Silesian main district: Ingots and zinc sheets (1836-1850)
    B.2.2.18 Silesian main district: Zinc (1809-1850)
    B.2.2.19 Silesian main district: Zinc plates (1815-1850)
    B.2.2.20 Silesian main district: Blue colour (1793-1806)
    B.2.2.21 Silesian main district: Blue colour (Smalte) (1815-1847)
    B.2.2.22 Silesian main district: Arsenic (1815-1850)
    B.2.2.23 Silesian main district: Alaun (1815-1850)
    B.2.2.24 Silesian main district: Vitriol and Sulfur (1815-1850)

    B.2.3 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district
    B.2.3.01 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Iron and steel production (1816-1850)
    B.2.3.02 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Iron and steel production (1832-1836)
    B.2.3.03 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Iron and steel production (1823-1836)
    B.2.3.04 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Iron and steel production altogether (1832-1850)
    B.2.3.05 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Pig-iron (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.06 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Steal (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.07 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Molding were I (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.08 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Molding were II (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.09 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Bar iron and rolled iron (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.10 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Iron sheets (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.11 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Iron wire (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.12 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Silver (1832-1850)
    B.2.3.13 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Tough-pitch copper (1832-1850)
    B.2.3.14 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Processed copper (1823-1836)
    B.2.3.15 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: processed copper (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.16 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Blue colour or Kobalt (1823-1836)
    B.2.3.17 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Blue colour (Smalte) (1832-1850)
    B.2.3.18 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Antimonium crudum (1837-1850)
    B.2.3.19 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Alaun (1823-1836)
    B.2.3.20 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Alaun (1832-1850)
    B.2.3.21 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Coppervitriol (1824-1831)
    B.2.3.22 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Coppervitriol (1832-1850)
    B.2.3.23 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Iron vitriol (1824-1836)
    B.2.3.24 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Iron vitriol (1832-1850)

    B.2.4. Westphalian main district
    B.2.4.01 Westphalian main district: Iron and steel production altogether (1816-1850)
    B.2.4.02 Westphalian main district: Iron and steel production (1816-1836)
    B.2.4.03 Westphalian main district: Iron and steel production (1837-1850)
    B.2.4.04 Westphalian main district: Pig-iron (1816-1850)
    B.2.4.05 Westphalian main district: Molding were (1816-1850)
    B.2.4.06 Westphalian main district: Bar iron and rolled iron (1818-1850)
    B.2.4.07 Westphalian main district: Osemund (1836-1843)
    B.2.4.08 Westphalian main district: Diverse end products (1837-1846)
    B.2.4.09 Westphalian main district: Crude iron (1847-1850)
    B.2.4.10 Westphalian main district: Iron sheets (1836-1850)
    B.2.4.11 Westphalian main district: Iron wire (1836-1850)
    B.2.4.12 Westphalian main district: Steal (1836-1850)
    B.2.4.13 Westphalian main district: Crude steel (1836-1850)
    B.2.4.14 Westphalian main district: Reck- und Raffiniersteal (1836-1850)
    B.2.4.15 Westphalian main district: Gußsteal (1836-1850)
    B.2.4.16 Westphalian main district: Processed Copper (1836-1850)
    B.2.4.17 Westphalian main district: Different types of Brass (1821-1850)
    B.2.4.18 Westphalian main district: Zinc (1821-1850)
    B.2.4.19 Westphalian main district: Blue colour (1823-1850)
    B.2.4.20 Westphalian main district: Antimonium regulus (1836-1850)
    B.2.4.21 Westphalian main district: Alaun (1816-1850)
    B.2.4.22 Westphalian main district: Vitriol (1817-1822)

    B.2.5 Rhenish main district
    B.2.5.01 Rhenish main district: Iron and steel production altogether (1829-1850)
    B.2.5.02 Rhenish main district: Iron and steel production (1823-1836)
    B.2.5.03 Rhenish main district: Crude iron (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.04 Rhenish main district: Molding were I (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.05 Rhenish main district: Molding were II (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.06 Rhenish main district: Bar iron and rolled iron (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.07 Rhenish main district: Iron sheets (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.08 Rhenish main district: Iron wire (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.09 Rhenish main district: Steal (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.10 Rhenish main district: Refined steal (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.11 Rhenish main district: Silver (1823-1836)
    B.2.5.12 Rhenish main district: Silver (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.13 Rhenish main district: Lead (1823-1836)
    B.2.5.14 Rhenish main district: Lead (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.15 Rhenish main district: Sleekness (1823-1836)
    B.2.5.16 Rhenish main district: Sleekness (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.17 Rhenish main district: Tough-pitch copper (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.18 Rhenish main district: Brass (1823-1836)
    B.2.5.19 Rhenish main district: Brass (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.20 Rhenish main district: Ingots and zinc sheets (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.21 Rhenish main district: Blue colour (1824-1835)
    B.2.5.22 Rhenish main district: Alaun (1823-1836)
    B.2.5.23 Rhenish main district: Alaun (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.24 Rhenish main district: Coppervitriol (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.25 Rhenish main district: Iron vitriol (1823-1836)
    B.2.5.26 Rhenish main district: Iron vitriol (1837-1850)
    B.2.5.27 Rhenish main district: Mixed vitriol (1824-1836)
    B.2.5.28 Rhenish main district: Mixed vitriol (1837-1850)

    B.3. Indicidual districts and other territories
    B.3.1 Brandenburg-Prussian main district
    B.3.1.01 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Individual mines, Pig-iron (1769-1823)
    B.3.1.02 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Individual mines, Molding were I (1769-1823)
    B.3.1.03 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Individual mines, Steel bars (1769-1823)
    B.3.1.04 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Individual mines, Processed copper (1787-1850)
    B.3.1.05 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Royal Iron foundry Berlin, Molding were II (1804-1850)
    B.3.1.06 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Reg. Bez. Potsdam, Private mines, Molding were II (1838-1850)
    B.3.1.07 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Hammer mine Neustadt-Eberswalde, NE-Metall-Bleche (1817-1842)
    B.3.1.08 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Heger mill, Brass (1787-1850)
    B.3.1.09 Brandenburg-Prussian main district: Freienwalde, Alaun and Vitriol (1739-1782)

    B.3.2. Silesian main district
    B.3.2.01 Oberschlesien: Iron and steel production (1800-1836)
    B.3.2.02 Oberschlesien: Iron and steel production altogether (1837-1850)
    B.3.2.03 Oberschlesien: Blast furnace production (1837-1850)
    B.3.2.04 Oberschlesien: Steel bars and Molding were II (1837-1850)
    B.3.2.05 Oberschlesien (fiscale Werke): Iron and steel production (1815-1836)
    B.3.2.06 Oberschlesien (fiscale Werke): Blast furnace production (1837-1850)
    B.3.2.07 Oberschlesien (fiscale Werke): Cokepig-iron (1802-1848)
    B.3.2.08 Oberschlesien (fiscale Werke): Molding were II: Steel bars and sheets (1837-1850)
    B.3.2.09 Friedrichshütte: Tarnowitz/OS: Silver and Lead (1787-1850)
    B.3.2.10 Niederschlesien: Iron and steel production altogether (1837-1850)
    B.3.2.11 Niederschlesien: Blast furnace production (1837-1850)
    B.3.2.12 Niederschlesien: Molding were II and Steel bars (1837-1850)

    3.3 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district
    B.3.3.01 District Mansfeld: Silver (1817-1850)
    B.3.3.02 District Mansfeld: Tough-pitch copper (1817-1850)
    B.3.3.03 District Mansfeld: Tough-pitch copper (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.04 District Mansfeld: Processed Copper (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.05 District Mansfeld: Antimon (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.06 District Mansfeld: Alaun (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.07 District Mansfeld: Coppervitriol (1817-1850)
    B.3.3.08 District Magdeburg: Iron and steel production (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.09 District Magdeburg: Pig-iron (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.10 District Magdeburg: Steel bars (1817-1850)
    B.3.3.11 District Magdeburg: Processed Copper (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.12 District Magdeburg: Blue colour (1817-1850)
    B.3.3.13 District Magdeburg: Iron vitriol (1817-1843)
    B.3.3.14 District Henneberg-Neustadt: Iron and steel production (1817-1850)
    B.3.3.15 District Henneberg-Neustadt: Silver (1817-1836)
    B.3.3.16 District Henneberg-Neustadt: Tough-pitch copper (1817-1836)
    B.3.3.17 District Henneberg-Neustadt: Tough-pitch copper (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.18 District Henneberg-Neustadt: Processed Copper (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.19 District Wettin: Iron and steel production (1837-1850)
    B.3.3.20 District Wettin: Alaun (1817-1836)
    B.3.3.21 District Wettin: Iron vitriol (1817-1836)
    B.3.3.22 Districte Wettin and Mansfeld: Iron vitriol (1837-1850)

    B.3.4 Westphalian main district
    B.3.4.01 Märkisch Mining Authority: Iron and steel production (1816-1836)
    B.3.4.02 Märkisch Mining Authority: Iron and steel production altogether, including Ironerzförderung (1816-1835)
    B.3.4.03 Essen-Werden Mining Authority: Molding were (1816-1835)
    B.3.4.04 Essen-Werden Mining Authority: Steel bars (1818-1835)
    B.3.4.05 Tecklenburg-Lingensch Mining Authority: Iron and steel production (1821 – 1836)
    B.3.4.06 Tecklenburg-Lingensch Mining Authority: Iron and steel production altogether,
    including Ironerzförderung (1821 – 1836)
    B.3.4.07 Paderborner District: Iron and steel production (1816 – 1835)
    B.3.4.08 Paderborner District: Iron and steel production altogether, including
    Ironerzförderung (1816 – 1835)
    B.3.4.09 Fürstentum Minden and Grafschaft Ravensberg: in the cities,
    Steal and iron (1784 – 1797)
    B.3.4.10 Fürstentum Minden and Grafschaft Ravensberg: copper hammers (1777 – 1797)

    B.3.5. Rhenish main district
    B.3.5.01 District Düren: Iron and steel production (1823-1850)
    B.3.5.02 District Düren: Iron and steel production (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.03 District Düren: Iron and steel production (1837-1850)
    B.3.5.04 District Düren: Molding were altogether (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.05 District Düren: Steal and iron mines (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.06 District Düren: Lead (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.07 District Düren: Brass (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.08 District Düren: Ingots and zinc sheets (1837-1850)
    B.3.5.09 District Düren: Alaun (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.10 District Saarbrücken: Iron and steel production (1823-1850) B.3.5.11 District Saarbrücken: Iron and steel production (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.12 District Saarbrücken: Iron and steel production (1837-1850)
    B.3.5.13 District Saarbrücken: Steal and iron mines (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.14 District Saarbrücken: Molding were altogether (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.15 District Saarbrücken: Silver (1837-1850)
    B.3.5.16 District Saarbrücken: Lead (1837-1850)
    B.3.5.17 District Saarbrücken: Alaun (1829-1843)
    B.3.5.18 District Siegen: Iron and steel production (1823-1850)
    B.3.5.19 District Siegen: Iron and steel production (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.20 District Siegen: Iron and steel production (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.21 District Siegen: Steal and iron mines (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.22 District Siegen: Molding were altogether (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.23 District Siegen: Silver (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.24 District Siegen: Lead (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.25 District Siegen: Sleekness (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.26 District Siegen: Tough-pitch copper (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.27 District Siegen: Ingots and zinc sheets (1842-1850)
    B.3.5.28 District Siegen: Alaun (1829-1850)
    B.3.5.29 District Siegen: Coppervitriol (1829-1847)
    B.3.5.30 District Siegen: Iron vitriol (1837-1850)
    B.3.5.31 District Siegen: Mixed vitriol (1837-1850)
    B.3.5.32 Country areas in the Rhenish main district: Iron (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.33 Able areas in the Rhenish main district: Iron (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.34 Able areas in the Rhenish main district: Silver (1829-1836)
    B.3.5.35 Able areas in the Rhenish main district: Lead (1829-1836)

    C. Salt works
    C.1.0 Prussia altogether
    C.1.0.01 Prussia altogether: White salt (1823-1836)
    C.1.0.02 Prussia altogether: White salt (1837-1850)

    C.2. Prussia by main districts
    C.2.1 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district
    C.2.1.01 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Saline salt (1823-1850)
    C.2.1.02 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: White salt (1823-1836)
    C.2.1.03 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: White salt (1837-1850)
    C.2.1.04 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Black and yellow salt (1823-1836)
    C.2.1.05 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Black and yellow salt (1837-1850)
    C.2.1.06 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Fertilizer salt (gypsum) (1827-1836)
    C.2.1.07 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district: Fertilizer salt (gypsum) (1837-1850)

    C.2.2 Westphalian main district
    C.2.2.01 Westphalian main district: Salz (fiscale saltworks) (1816-1850)
    C.2.2.02 Westphalian main district: Salz (private saltworks) (1816-1850)

    C.2.3 Rhenish main district
    C.2.3.01 Rhenish main district: White salt (1823-1836)
    C.2.3.02 Rhenish main district: White salt (1837-1850)

    C.3. Individual districts and other territories
    C.3.1 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district
    C.3.1.01 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district, District Magdeburg: White salt (1837-1850)
    C.3.1.02 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district, District Magdeburg: Fertilizer salt (1837-1850)
    C.3.1.03 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district, Districte Wettin and Mansfeld: White salt (1837-1850)
    C.3.1.04 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district, Districte Wettin and Mansfeld: Black and yellow salt (1837-1850)
    C.3.1.05 Low Saxon - Thuringian main district, Districte Wettin and Mansfeld: Fertilizer salt (1837-1850)

    C.3.2 Westphalian main district
    C.3.2.01 Westphalian main district, Saline Königsborn closed to Unna: Salt (1773-1850)

    C.3.3 Rhenish main district
    C.3.3.01 Rhenish main district, District Saarbrücken: White salt (1837-1850)
    C.3.3.02 01 Rhenish main district, District Siegen: White salt (1829-1850)

  • Daten Historischer Studien (de)
  • Historical Studies Data (en)
  • Kaufhold, Karl H., & Sachse, Wieland (2011): Gewerbestatistik Preußens vor 1850, Band 1: Das Berg-, Hütten- und Salinenwesen.. GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA8481 Datenfile Version 1.0.0, (de)
  • Kaufhold, Karl H., & Sachse, Wieland (2011): Industry of Prussia before 1850. Vol. 1: Mining, Metallurgy, and saltworks.. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA8481 Data file Version 1.0.0, (en)
  • A (xsd:string)
  • Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching. (en)
  • Daten und Dokumente sind für die akademische Forschung und Lehre freigegeben. (de)
  • 1.0.0, 2011-03-29, (xsd:string)
  • Quellen: Primäre Quellen: Aufzeichnungen der staatlichen preußischen Bergverwaltung (Erhebungen der preußischen Berg- und Oberbergämter) aus den Archivbeständen der Archive Münster, Koblenz, Saarbrücken, Düsseldorf und Essen für die Zeit ab 1816 (teils handschriftliche, teils gedruckte Jahreserhebungen). Ergänzend: Zeitgenössische Publikationen, vorzugsweise aus dem statistisch-staatswirtschaftlichen und dem berg- und hüttenmännischen Schrifttum, das zumeist aus offiziellen oder offiziösen Quellen schöpfen konnte. Sekundäre Quellen: Angaben aus der neueren wissenschaftlichen Fachliteratur, die nicht in den verwendeten Primärquellen vorhanden sind, aber auf anderen Primärquellen beruhen (in aller Regel auf solchen, die nicht mehr oder nur sehr schwer zugänglich sind). (de)
  • 2011 (xsd:gyear)
  • 1850-01-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2011 (xsd:gyear)
  • 2011-03-29 (xsd:date)
  • Online Database HISTAT (SAFE) (en)
  • Online Datenbank HISTAT (SAFE) (de)
  • 10.4232/1.10330 ()
  • 1850 (xsd:gyear)
  • 1850-01-01 (xsd:date)
is ?:hasPart of
  • info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess (xsd:string)
  • DQDE (xsd:string)
is ?:mainEntity of
  • Gewerbestatistik Preußens vor 1850, Band 1: Das Berg-, Hütten- und Salinenwesen. (de)
  • Industry of Prussia before 1850. Vol. 1: Mining, Metallurgy, and saltworks. (en)
  • 111 Zeitpunkte (xsd:string)
  • 1620 Zeitreihen (xsd:string)
  • dbk (en)
  • GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA8481 Data file Version 1.0.0, (en)
  • GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA8481 Datenfile Version 1.0.0, (de)
  • GESIS-DBK (xsd:string)
  • 1739 (xsd:gyear)
  • 1739-01-01 (xsd:date)
  • ZA8481 ()
  • Kaufhold, Karl H./Sachse, Wieland (Hrsg.), 1989: Gewerbestatistik Preußens vor 1850, Band 1: Das Berg-, Hütten- und Salinenwesen. Bearbeitet von Ulrike Albrecht, Dagmar Kleinecke, Uwe Kühl, Johannes Laufer und Wieland Sachse. (Quellen und Forschungen zur historischen Statistik von Deutschland, hrsg. von Wolfram Fischer, Franz Irsigler, Karl Heinrich Kaufhold und Hugo Ott, Band 5). St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae. (xsd:string)
  • 1.0.0 (xsd:string)