Who Do We Think We Are? The Decline of Traditional Social Identities - Anthony Heath, Jean Martin and Gabriella Elgenius 1; Quickening Death - Elizabeth Clery, Sheila Mclean and Miranda Phillips 35; The Euthanasia Debate Are We All Working Too Hard? Women, Men, and Changing Attitudes to Employment - Rosemary Crompton and Clare Lyonette 55 Who Should Pay for My Care - When I'm 64? - Rachel Ormston, John Curtice and Helen Fawcett 71; Agree to Disagree - Katrin Voltmer and Mansur Lalljee 95; Respect for Political Opponents Proportional Representation and the Disappearing Voter - John Curtice, Stephen Fisher and Lawrence Lessard-Phillips 119; Civil Liberties and the Challenge Of Terrorism - Mark Johnson and Conor Gearty 143 New Labour, New Unions? - Alex Bryson 184; Disabling Attitudes? Public Perspectives on Disabled People - John Rigg213 Isolates or Socialites? The Social Ties of Internet Users - John Curtice and Pippa Norris 239