  • "Cross-national research on social stratification has to be based on measures of social status that are comparable and interculturally valid. As most status measures are based on information about occupations, an internationally comparable taxonomy of occupations is of central importance. An especially useful classification in this respect is ISCO-88, the 1988 version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations. First, the conceptual framework of this classification is outlined and some basic differences between ISCO-88 and its predecessor, ISCO-68, are illuminated. Secondly, three versions which depart from the original classification in one way or another are presented. Finally, Ganzeboom's and Treiman's status scales based on the new classification of occupations are introduced and the performance of the new scales relative to the old ones is assessed empirically." Als Beispiele werden der ALLBUS 1992 und 1994 sowie Datensätze des International Labour Office (1968, 1990) und des Statistischen Bundesamts (Deutsche Übersetzung des ISCO 1988) 1993 herangezogen. ZUMA International Symposium on Background and Demographic Variables (xsd:string)
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  • Aufgenommen: 15. Fassung, Oktober 1998 (xsd:gyear)
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