  • The “Learning Quality Inventory for In-Company Training in VET” (VET-LQI) is a survey instrument aiming for a valid and comprehensive measurement of vocational training quality in companies. The validated instrument comprises 22 short scales with 76 items, enabling a broad approach to the construct of training quality. The survey instrument was developed by conducting a qualitative meta-synthesis of all existing instruments regarding training quality. 43 test instruments were integrated into the general theoretical framework on workplace learning by Tynjälä (2013). Item and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) indicate satisfactory reflection of all common workplace characteristics regarding validity and reliability*. Overall, the VET-LQI overcomes the limited applicability of prior instruments by covering all identified content areas of training quality from the literature. *Except for ‘Relevance of Tasks’ (Scale 7), which is still included to maintain a broad coverage of the construct vocational training quality. (de)
  • The “Learning Quality Inventory for In-Company Training in VET” (VET-LQI) is a survey instrument aiming for a valid and comprehensive measurement of vocational training quality in companies. The validated instrument comprises 22 short scales with 76 items, enabling a broad approach to the construct of training quality. The survey instrument was developed by conducting a qualitative meta-synthesis of all existing instruments regarding training quality. 43 test instruments were integrated into the general theoretical framework on workplace learning by Tynjälä (2013). Item and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) indicate satisfactory reflection of all common workplace characteristics regarding validity and reliability*. Overall, the VET-LQI overcomes the limited applicability of prior instruments by covering all identified content areas of training quality from the literature. *Except for ‘Relevance of Tasks’ (Scale 7), which is still included to maintain a broad coverage of the construct vocational training quality. (en)
  • Objectivity The scales objectively represent the most crucial quality criteria of vocational training identified in the literature. During the application of the instrument, the researcher does not have a negative impact on the objectivity as trainees do not need any assistance or guidance in filling out the easy understandable instrument. Concerning the evaluation and interpretation, it has to be considered that trainee responses represent their subjective perception of vocational training within a specific training company and thus do not constitute an objective measurement. A fully objective measurement does not seem suitable for vocational training reality since there are no objective quality standards available for most criteria and scientific observation of large numbers of training processes does not appear to be economically feasible. Nevertheless, on an aggregated level survey responses can give valuable insights into the state and changes of training quality with regard to specific companies, specific training occupations, or fields of vocational training. The one-sided measurement approach via trainee perception has to be considered. In this regard, the instrument can easily be adjusted to an application for trainers or trainees’ colleagues to achieve a multi-perspective picture (as was done in Krötz & Deutscher, 2021a/2021b; 2022). Validity Content validity can be assumed by the preceding qualitative meta-synthesis and the theoretical considerations in organizing and reformulating the existent (validated) survey instruments. Besides testing the VET-LQI’s structural validity via CFA (see above), the average variance extracted (AVE) criterion yielded good results (> .5) for 16 of 22 factors regarding the amount of variance explained, while following Fornell and Larcker (1981) five factors were just slightly below (> .4). The scale ‘Relevance of Tasks’ (scale 7), that already showed low internal consistency (see table 24), only achieved a value of .373. Furthermore, Intercorrelation between the 22 factors and the Fornell-Larcker criterion were assessed to measure the degree to which the different quality criteria are unrelated. 13 factors met the Fornell-Larcker criterion (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). The factor correlations in table 25 show that nineteen factors had acceptable moderate correlation values. Only factors 19, 20, and 22 indicate problematic correlations of > .8 (e.g., Evans 1996). Table 25. Correlations between latent factors F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F1 1 .450 .171 -.590 .588 .431 .342 .106 -.047 .581 .559 .758 .744 .461 .636 .634 -.624 .245 .660 .724 .470 .744 F2 1 .378 -.320 .601 .221 .276 .260 .108 .376 .262 .345 .407 .551 .398 .476 -.359 .120 .448 .507 .313 .466 F3 1 -.171 .219 .139 .182 .230 -.107 .235 .191 .183 .196 .278 .317 .254 -.145 .127 .265 .302 .308 .255 F4 1 -.472 -.401 -.232 .082 .480 -.391 -.341 -.498 -.619 -.459 -.553 -.430 .627 -.320 -.570 -.628 -.470 -.540 F5 1 .452 .538 .379 .052 .517 .481 .547 .559 .550 .585 .509 -.492 .296 .582 .622 .362 .570 F6 1 .505 .225 -.091 .658 .514 .549 .284 .170 .442 .233 -.268 .388 .372 .405 .335 .436 F7 1 .389 -.044 .562 .642 .651 .468 .350 .592 .392 -.387 .475 .457 .493 .437 .476 F8 1 .302 .262 .273 .199 .154 .159 .188 .148 -.053 .140 .196 .135 .129 .147 F9 1 -.123 -.262 -.086 -.124 -.087 -.170 -.038 .140 -.431 -.054 -.091 -.245 -.100 F10 1 .699 .664 .415 .406 .539 .355 -.369 .413 .505 .546 .486 .601 F11 1 .650 .494 .341 .548 .440 -.405 .544 .472 .523 .547 .585 F12 1 .684 .475 .711 .514 -.537 .429 .652 .677 .556 .689 F13 1 .735 .733 .732 -.589 .191 .671 .777 .411 .600 F14 1 .570 .491 -.488 .180 .616 .682 .418 .529 F15 1 .677 -.534 .386 .725 .694 .487 .634 F16 1 -.512 .275 .625 .714 .448 .660 F17 1 -.384 -.584 -.738 -.538 -.696 F18 1 .245 .382 .484 .353 F19 1 .906 .786 .858 F20 1 .706 .861 F21 1 .782 F22 1 Reliability Reliability in terms of Cronbach’s Alpha of the final scales slightly changed after the item eliminations, in most cases implying slight decreases in Cronbach’s Alpha. However, except for scale 7 (‘Relevance of Tasks’), the final values achieve a satisfactory level (see table 24 and section 4 ‘Scale Development’). Descriptive statistics (scaling) Descriptive information on the scales and items is shown above in table 24. The data is mostly left-skewed for the relatively high agreement on the items, corresponding to relatively high training quality. Further quality criteria The maximum processing time for participants amounts to 45 minutes. However, as an experience value from several further applications, most trainees finish within 30 Minutes.In our experience most trainees tend to give honest responses due to the anonymity in the survey design. Only a small and neglectable share used response behaviours due to laziness as e.g., crossing the same response for the whole survey page. Faking towards socially desirable values was no issue since the majority of trainees appears to be glad for having the opportunity to evaluate the training reality in their company, stating the perceived strengths and weaknesses as opposed to being the ones who usually become evaluated by the training personnel. There are no other biases known. Invariances across different person/group characteristics are potential research purposes of the survey as, for example, relations between specific characteristics (e.g., education) and distinct perceptions of training quality could be revealed. (xsd:string)
  • 2023 (xsd:gyear)
  • 2023 (xsd:gyear)
  • 2023 (xsd:gyear)
  • Instruction The 22 scales constitute the survey instrument VET-LQI, which can be used to examine vocational training quality in companies. Before starting the survey, the following instructions were given to trainees: Dear trainees, With this questionnaire we would like to find out how you perceive your training. We are particularly interested in your opinion on the company facet of vocational training and less in content related to vocational school. In the following, only your personal impression counts. There are no right or wrong answers. Please answer honestly – the goal of our research is to improve in-company training. You can contribute to this. There are response options for each question. Please answer the questions by ticking or filling in the appropriate box. We assure you that you will remain completely anonymous and that the information you provide will only be used to explore training quality. Neither your vocational school nor your training company will receive information about your details at the personal or class level. In turn, we do not receive any information about the training company you belong to. Completing the questionnaire will take approximately 45 minutes. Please enter the exact name of your apprenticeship in the following: ___________________________ Thank you for your participation! Items Note: In the following, all 22 scales that were part of the original validation of the survey are listed in the required form to enable a transparent review of the validation process. The corresponding tables 1 to 22 comprise all 99 items that were initially tested via item analysis and confirmatory factor analysis.[1] Brackets around the item number and * behind the item indicate that the item was removed during the validation process due to insufficient results and is not considered as being part of the final survey instrument. The list of final items and scales is presented later in table 24. Table 1 Scale 1: Items of the Scale Work Climate No. Item Polarity [21] If necessary, the employees in my company support each other.* + 22 There is a personal atmosphere within my company. + 23 There is a bad working atmosphere within my company. - 24 There is strong competition between employees in my company. - 25 Employees in my company are rigorously monitored and controlled. - Table 2 Scale 2: Items of the Scale In-Company Learning No. Item Polarity 26 Workplace learning in my company is characterized by different teaching methods. + 27 Workplace learning in my company is characterized by the usage of different materials and media. + [28] I have to teach myself concerning the knowledge I need for working tasks in my company.* - [29] Working tasks in my company cover all aspects of successfully managing them from start to finish.* + Table 3 Scale 3: Items of the Scale Learning Venue Cooperation No. Item Polarity 30 What I learn at vocational school is important for the daily work in my company. + 31 When managing work tasks in the company, I benefit from knowledge I accumulated during vocational school sessions. + [32] When managing work tasks in my company, I benefit from knowledge I accumulated during in-company sessions.* + 33 The in-company vocational training and the vocational school are well coordinated. + Table 4 Scale 4: Items of the Scale Overload No. Item Polarity [44] In my company I fear making mistakes at work.* + 45 In my company I feel under pressure of time at work. + [46] In my company I quarrel with supervisors, training personnel, colleagues, or other apprentices.* + [47] Work tasks in my company are physically demanding.* + 48 In my company others interfere my work. + 49 I have problems ‘recharging batteries’ in my spare time after work. + 50 Because of the daily demands in my company, I feel totally exhausted, tired, and drained + 51 I often think ‚I can’t go on any longer‘. + Note. Items can be inverted to represent “high” training quality in the case of low overload Table 5 Scale 5: Items of the Scale Variety of Tasks No. Item Polarity 52 In my company I deal with a variety of work tasks. + 53 In my company I work on new tasks every now and then. + 54 In my company work tasks are highly diversified. + Table 6 Scale 6: Items of the Scale Autonomy No. Item Polarity [55] In my company I am flexible in the timing of work tasks.* + 56 In my company I am often able to make decisions myself. + 57 In my company I am able to decide on my own what means to take to reach a goal. + 58 In my company I am given an enormous amount of freedom in doing my job. + Table 7 Scale 7: Items of the Scale Relevance of Tasks No. Item Polarity [59] In my company I am confronted with responsible tasks.* + 60 In my company I work on ‚real tasks‘. + 61 In my company I have to deal with several tasks that are not part of my vocational training program (e.g., make coffee, copying, etc.). - Table 8 Scale 8: Items of the Scale Complexity of Tasks No. Item Polarity [62] In my company work tasks are difficult and complicated.* + 63 In my company work tasks are characterized by considering a wide range of information. + 64 In my company work tasks are characterized by considering a wide range of objectives. + 65 In my company work tasks are characterized by considering changes over time. + Table 9 Scale 9: Items of the Scale Training Requirements and Ability Level No. Item Polarity [66] In my company I am confronted with tasks that fit my ability level.* - 67 In my company I am confronted with tasks that are too complicated. + 68 In my company I am confronted with tasks I am insufficiently trained and prepared for. + [69] In my company I am confronted with tasks that demand too little from me.* - [70] In my company I am confronted with tasks that are challenging for me.* + 71 In my company I am confronted with easy tasks. - Note. Items can be inverted to represent “high” training quality in the case of fitting (rather easy) tasks. Table 10 Scale 10: Items of the Scale Involvement in Occupational Expert Culture No. Item Polarity 72 I am involved in the improvement of work processes in my company. + 73 My ideas and proposals are considered in my company. + 74 I am involved in the discussion of technical and professional issues in my company. + Table 11 Scale 11: Items of the Scale Functional Involvement No. Item Polarity 75 Continuous collaboration is part of the daily work in my company. + 76 My work tasks are characterized by a close coordination with other employees in my company. + 77 I am involved in all work tasks in my department. + 78 Basically, my work tasks play a crucial role for my department. + 79 I am well integrated into the operational working procedures. + Table 12 Scale 12: Items of the Scale Social Involvement No. Item Polarity 80 Employees in my company are interested in me. + 81 Employees in my company are interested in my private wellbeing. + [82] In my company there is nobody I get in touch with in private.* - 83 Employees in my company seem disturbed by my presence. - 84 Employees in my company ignore me. - Table 13 Scale 13: Items of the Scale Mentoring No. Item Polarity 85 In my company nobody feels responsible for me. - 86 In my company I am completely left alone to myself. - [87] When I perform a task in my company a colleague is present.* + 88 When I ask training personnel or colleagues for help they immediately support me. + Table 14 Scale 14: Items of the Scale Curriculum Orientation No. Item Polarity 89 I do know my in-company training plan. + 90 The arrangements of my in-company training plan are observed. + 91 My in-company training program is implemented without a formal training plan. - Table 15 Scale 15: Items of the Scale Feedback No. Item Polarity 92 In my company good performances are not praised. - 93 Normally I do know whether I perform work tasks satisfactorily or not. + 94 I find it hard to figure out whether I perform work tasks satisfactorily or not. - 95 The training personnel and my colleagues let me know whether I perform work tasks satisfactorily or not. + Table 16 Scale 16: Items of the Scale Personnel and Instructions No. Item Polarity [96] Those who train me on the job give explicit work instructions.* + 97 Those who train me on the job are able to answer difficult technical questions. + 98 Those who train me on the job can explain well. + [99] There is a lot I can learn from those who train me on the job.* + 100 Those who train me on the job show that they enjoy their work. + 101 Those who train me on the job are technically competent. + Table 17 Scale 17: Items of the Scale Premature Termination of Contract No. Item Polarity 105 I often think about terminating my training program prematurely. + 106 I think about terminating my training program prematurely because of operational reasons (e.g., working hours, quarrels with colleagues, etc.). + 107 I think about terminating my training program prematurely because of occupational reasons (e.g., dissatisfaction with tasks, lack of interest in field of activity etc.) + 108 I think about terminating my training program prematurely because of vocational school reasons (e.g., quarrels with teachers, dissatisfaction with learning content, etc.). + 109 I think about terminating my training program prematurely because of personal reasons (e.g., family reasons, health reasons, financial reasons, etc.). + 110 I already search for an alternative vocational training. + 111 I already search for an alternative training company. + Note. Items can be inverted to represent “high” training quality in the case of low drop-out intention. Table 18 Scale 18: Items of the Scale Professional Competence No. Item Polarity 112 I do have a high level of expertise. + 113 I do have a high level of social skills (e.g., strong communication skills, team spirit, etc.). + 114 I am able to perform most of the tasks in my company independently and without help. + 115 I feel well prepared to cope with future challenges in my job. + 116 At the end of my training program, I will be able to perform every job-related task in my domain. + Table 19 Scale 19: Items of the Scale Overall Assessment and Satisfaction No. Item Polarity [124] I am strongly satisfied with the training program in my vocational school* + 125 I am strongly satisfied with the training program in my company. + 126 I am strongly satisfied with my vocational training in general. + Table 20 Scale 20: Items of the Scale Vocational Identity No. Item Polarity 127 My skilled occupation and me match very well. + [128] I am proud of my skilled occupation.* + [129] My skilled occupation is part of my personality.* + 130 I totally assimilate to my skilled occupation. + 131 I like telling others about my skilled occupation. + Table 21 Scale 21: Items of the Scale Operational Identity No. Item Polarity 132 My training company and me match very well. + [133] I am proud to work for my training company.* + 134 My training company is a place like home for me. + [135] I feel comfortable in my training company.* + 136 I like telling others about my training company. + Table 22 Scale 22: Items of the Scale Future Prospects and Career Aspirations No. Item Polarity 137 After finishing my vocational training I would like to work in that occupation. + 138 After finishing my vocational training I would like to work in my training company. + [139] After finishing my vocational training I would like to study or get further training.* - Response specifications 1 ‘strongly disagree’ 2 ‘mostly disagree’ 3 ‘slightly disagree’ 4 ‘partly agree’ 5 ‘slightly agree’ 6 ‘mostly agree’ 7 ‘completely agree’ Alternatively: ‘I do not want to or cannot answer this’ Note: Usage also possible via a five-level Likert scale. Scoring Table 1 to table 22 each represent one quality criteria from the survey instrument, which can be used by simple mean scores across scales. As indicated above, the response options were scored in ascending order from 1 (strong disagreement) to 7 (complete agreement). The option ‘I do not want to or cannot answer this’ could be scored by 999 or other values indicating missingness, as it does not become part of the analysis. After data is collected, negatively polarized items (as indicated in tables 1 to 22) are reversed to match their scales’ directions. By this, higher values then represent higher training quality for all scales, except for ‘Overload’ (higher values indicating higher workload), ‘Training Requirements and Ability Level’ (higher values indicating too high requirements), and ‘Premature Termination of Contract’ (higher values indicating drop-out intentions).[2] Application field The purpose of the VET-LQI is the comprehensive measurement of vocational training quality in companies, which is done across a broad range of quality criteria relevant at the workplace. Initially (as presented here) the survey mode was paper-and-pencil in the form of PASI (paper-and-pencil self-administered interviewing). However, the instrument is easily reproducible as an online survey (CASI: computer-assisted self-administered interviewing), which was already tested in later studies as part of a longitudinal DFG project (see e.g., Krötz & Deutscher, 2022; Ma et al., in preparation). The target population is trainees in the commercial and business management domain. The scales can partly be applied to in-company training in other domains as well, for example technical-industrial or home economics professions. The instrument asks for the individual’s subjective perception of the respective training quality criterion, therefore also individual-level analysis is possible. There are no specific professional qualifications required for using the survey instrument. [1] Items 1 to 20 were aspects regarding personal details and were not part of the validation. Also scales on the company or vocational framework were not part of the validation (see section Item analyses). Researchers can adapt such framework and personal information as required in their specific research. These excluded items on personal details and framework characteristics can be read in the appendix of Böhn (2020, p. 198 ff.). [2] However, if the researchers want to do so, the latter 3 scales can be inverted to correspond to the logic of the majority of quality scales, where higher values indicate higher training quality. (xsd:string)
  • Item generation and selection A qualitative meta-synthesis was conducted to collect and categorize all existing survey instruments on training and learning quality in the area of VET. Thereby, the instrument integrates the full range of research findings on relevant quality criteria and item formulations (for detailed information on literature research, selection, and categorization see the full papers: Böhn & Deutscher, 2019; 2021). Mayring’s (2004) qualitative content analysis (including generalization, selection, and bundling) was conducted to inductively determinate categories for the 3356 items, excluding school-related items. Items with similar contents were grouped (e.g., the items ‘Have you previously held a full-time job?’ [NCVER, 2000] or ‘Do you have previous work experience?’ [Virtanen & Tynjälä, 2008] were grouped under the keyword ‘personal background’). Subsequently, keywords were merged to categories to achieve a reasonable summary of contents, which was recorded in a codebook. The procedure was repeated by the second researcher, each together with a third person (intracoder reliability = .984, intercoder reliability = .926). Overall, 43 test instruments (oldest from 1994) with 3356 items were classified into 30 categories. Focusing on workplace characteristics, 2343 items (and their categories) could be arranged within the framework model by Tynjälä (2013). User frequencies of items were analysed. The test instruments showed immense nominal and substantive heterogeneity regarding their items. Within the corresponding studies, validation results were not reported in all cases but indicated satisfactory to excellent levels of internal consistency or model fit. New scales were constructed by relying on frequently used items and some newly developed items. When existing scales and items showed little validation or occupation-specific formulations, they were adapted to a standard format or new items were created. Overall, 82 items could be largely accepted. All other items were reformulated in an occupation-independent manner and designed based on the underlying category codebook. Additionally, the phrases ‘in my company’ or ‘in my department’ were added when necessary to clarify the company focus. The initial German version was translated to English by two researchers and checked by a native English speaker and is thus available in two languages. A first German version of the VET-LQI, comprising 166 items, was pretested anonymously in three vocational schools in Germany (Baden-Wuerttemberg) in 2017. The sample consisted of 393 trainees in 15 different occupations from the commercial and business management domain. Afterwards, items that caused difficulties in understanding or that did not improve the scale reliability while being dispensable regarding content validity were removed. The main validation of the German VET-LQI, with 139 items and 31 scales (including 5 person-related and 2 framework scales), then took place anonymously in three other vocational schools in 2018, with 428 trainees from 7 occupations within the commercial and business management domain. For the documentation of the item selection (difficulties etc.), see section “Item Analysis” below and table 24, which is based on confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) due to the theoretical substantiation of the factor structure. Samples The sample was recruited via three German vocational schools (PASI mode), where complete school classes of training courses were asked to participate. The sample consisted of 428 apprentices, aged between 16 and 37 (M = 20.5). 54.6% of the participants were female, 45.4% were male. Half of the sample was in their first year of training, while 30% were in their second year and 20% in their third year of training. Apprentices were trained in 7 commercial occupations e.g., Retail Salesman (33%), Industrial Management Assistant (24%) and Office Management Assistant (20%). Compared to the statistical population of the analyzed occupations (using Data by the Institute for Vocational Education and Training), t-test and chi²-tests showed no significant differences with respect to age (p = .426), gender (p = .586) and education (p = .100). 41% possessed a higher school certificate, nearly 50% owned at least a secondary school certificate (see Böhn & Deutscher, 2021). The number of missing values were low and stayed < 5% for the vast majority of items, except for five items (items 26 and 64: 6%; items 91 and 129: 8%; item 90: 9%). Initially, the items were maintained within the following analyses since the missingness was not excessive and important contents of the respective scales would be missing, if the items were deleted (in case of items 90 and 91, the whole scale 14 would no longer exist). Item analyses As stated above, the version of the VET-LQI that resulted from the pretesting comprises 31 scales, including 5 person-related and 2 framework scales (‘Vocational Training Framework’, ‘Company Framework’). These person-related and framework scales, as well as 2 additional output scales (‘Completion and Final Exam’, ‘Career Choice’) were not part of the following validation process (and thus remain unmentioned in tables 1–22) as they rather represent formative than reflexive theoretical concepts and do not meet the requirements of factor analyses (Bollen & Lennox, 1991; Diamantopoulos & Winklhofer, 2001). Furthermore, the content of these scales can be adjusted and supplemented individually, depending on the context of the survey usage. As a first step, the internal reliability of the remaining 22 scales (99 items; see tables 1–22) and their item discrimination power were assessed. 15 items could be removed due to low scale correlation (discrimination power < .3; Ebel & Frisbie, 1986). 9 of these items (items 32, 44, 47, 55, 62, 82, 96, 128, 135) also showed missing value ratio above 5%, while 6 items (items 28, 29, 66, 69, 87, 139) improved the respective scale reliabilities. The resulting scale reliabilities were good or excellent for 19 scales (Cronbach’s alpha > .7), while 2 scales ‘Training Requirements and Ability Level’ (.684) and ‘Overall Assessment and Satisfaction’ (.657) indicated at least acceptable values (Cronbach’s alpha > .6; DeVellis, 1991; Nunnally, 1978). The latter scale could be improved by deleting item 124 but in order to keep school-related satisfaction within the instrument, the item was maintained for the factor analysis. Only the scale ‘Relevance of Tasks’ showed problematic consistency of .447 (Cronbach’s alpha) as it included two items (out of three) with discrimination power < .3 (items 59 and 61). Additionally, for content-related reasons four items (33, 52, 88, 124) that otherwise improved the scale consistency if deleted and five items above the 5% threshold of missing values (items 26, 64, 90, 91, 129) were initially kept for the next step of factor analysis. As indicated above, in cases of such minor “weaknesses”, decisions to initially keep the items were made, in line with Schermelleh-Engel and Werner (2012), in order to maintain the broad approach of the VET-LQI in terms of content validity. CFA was conducted for the 22 scales (and 84 remaining items) using the free statistics software R and lavaan package, applying the common principal axis extraction and varimax rotation method. As the model structure was based on the extensive meta-synthesis of training quality instruments, the number of factors and the related indicators were already theoretically substantiated. Additionally, three exploratory factor analysis (initial starting point with 99 items, model 1 [84 items] and model 5 [76 items]) were conducted to enable a comparison of how the items could be structured as factors on a mere statistical basis versus our theory-driven approach. In the beginning (99 items), an EFA with principal-axis extraction suggest 25 factors (eigenvalues > 1), when we theoretically substantiated 22 factors. Then, for model 1, the EFA results suggest 17 factors, whereas the final model 5 would suggest 16 factors only. However, as we substantiated our factor solution theoretically by an extensive literature research and synthesis of 43 instruments, we propose our 22-factor model in order to consider more specific quality criteria of in-company training (the EFA factor matrix can be obtained upon request from the authors). In the following, our proposed model was tested in a CFA with 22 factors. The model fit indices as well as item characteristics (uniqueness, factor loadings, discrimination power) were checked and weak items were deleted, leading to more parsimonious models, as presented in the following.[1] MLM was used as a more robust version of Maximum Likelihood (e.g., Curran et al., 1996).[2] The local goodness-of-fit indices indicated possible improvements for the initial 22-factor model (table 23). Regarding the factor loadings, loadings should be high and unambiguous directed on one factor.[3] Indicators with low communalities or high values for uniqueness were treated with caution for values > .6 (uniqueness). Lastly, all indicators were significantly related to their factor and there were no high correlations (> .8) between variables, therefore multicollinearity was no issue. Following the presented thresholds, two items (59, 124) were eliminated from the base model for high uniqueness (> .6), low factor loadings (< .4) and low discriminatory power (< .3).[4] The critical item 61 was kept as it was part of the same scale as item 59, thus only the worst item should be deleted to test the results in the next model (table 23, model 3). For model 4 (table 23), the items 70 (discrimination power: .291) and 133 were removed due to critical values (correlation with item 132 >.8 and high loadings on two factors). For the final model (table 23, model 5) four items were eliminated: Items 21 and 46 showed high loadings on more than one factor, while item 99 correlated highly with item 98. Item 129 could be excluded for its amount of refused answers (above 5%) without harming the scale reliability. Table 23. Global fit indices for CFA. Estimator: MLM Exact fit index Approximate fit index Residual based fit index Comparative fit indices Model Chi2/df ratio p-value (Chi2) RMSEA SRMR CFI TLI 1. base model: 22 factors with 84 items 4,885.632/3,171 = 1.541 < .001 0.044 0.080 0.844 0.828 2. one factor solution* (84 items) 9,344.624/3,485 = 2.681 < .001 0.078 0.096 0.476 0.463 3. 22 factors with 82 items 4,537.283/3,008 = 1.508 < .001 0.043 0.079 0.859 0.845 4. 22 factors with 80 items 4,293.427/2,849 = 1.507 < .001 0.043 0.074 0.861 0.846 5. 22 factors with 76 items 3,887.370/2,543 = 1.529 < .001 0.044 0.071 0.864 0.847 Models allow covariances between factors. *Correlations between factors set to one. Comparing the models’ fit indices (table 23), the Chi²/df ratio indicated an acceptable fit for model 1 and the following more parsimonious variations (< 2; Byrne 1991). Not surprisingly, the p-value stayed significant for all models due to their complexity. As CFI and TLI deteriorate with model complexity, the indices did not reach an acceptable fit (Hu & Bentler, 1999) but indicated an improvement from model 1 to 5 due to the item exclusions. RMSEA and SRMR indicated a good fit for model 1 and improved further until model 5 (Browne & Cudeck, 1993; Hu & Bentler, 1995). Therefore, model 5 generally shows the best fit indices while being the most parsimonious (see also fig. 2). Item parameters Regarding the final item parameters, please see fig. 2 above for item factor loadings and table 24 below for item communalities, means, standard deviations, and discrimination power. Fig. 2. Factor loadings based on final model 5 (taken from original paper by Böhn and Deutscher [2021, p. 42]) Table 24 Final Scale Reliabilities and characteristics of the final Manifest Items Scale Cronbach’s Alpha McD’s Omega Item Communality Mean SD Selectivity Scale 1 .748 .761 Item 22 .57 5.71 1.23 .611 Work Climate Item 23 .59 5.33 1.67 .654 Item 24 .49 5.52 1.38 .520 Item 25 .56 4.90 1.54 .500 Scale 2 .787 .788 Item 26 .71 3.96 1.63 .534 In-Company Learning Item 27 .57 4.24 1.63 .469 Scale 3 .812 .825 Item 30 .79 3.75 1.54 .668 Learning Venue Item 31 .81 3.94 1.44 .758 Cooperation Item 33 .47 3.40 1.59 .524 Scale 4 .844 .848 Item 45 .53 3.19 1.54 .678 Overload Item 48 .48 2.59 1.44 .536 Item 49 .54 3.08 1.75 .635 Item 50 .74 3.82 1.71 .740 Item 51 .73 2.88 1.81 .716 Scale 5 .824 .855 Item 52 .60 5.09 1.39 .516 Variety of Tasks Item 53 .85 4.53 1.60 .781 Item 54 .78 4.42 1.64 .767 Scale 6 .872 .872 Item 56 .67 4.18 1.53 .774 Autonomy Item 57 .77 4.32 1.43 .787 Item 58 .77 4.35 1.43 .773 Scale 7* .428 .010 Item 60 .54 5.67 1.27 .443 Relevance of Tasks Item 61 .32 4.85 1.86 .217 Scale 8 .841 .841 Item 63 .66 5.09 1.39 .516 Complexity of Item 64 .79 4.53 1.60 .781 Tasks Item 65 .59 4.42 1.64 .767 Scale 9 .677 .690 Item 67 .64 2.73 1.21 .484 Training Requirements and Item 68 .58 3.06 1.42 .375 Ability Level Item 71 .40 3.46 1.24 .477 Scale 10 .881 .881 Item 72 .71 4.18 1.53 .774 Involvement in occupational Item 73 .74 4.32 1.43 .787 Expert Culture Item 74 .75 4.35 1.43 .773 Scale 11 .801 .793 Item 75 .71 5.48 1.29 .568 Functional Item 76 .55 4.97 1.43 .486 Involvement Item 77 .61 4.81 1.63 .618 Item 78 .67 5.32 1.42 .624 Item 79 .71 5.46 1.30 .646 Scale 12 .786 .779 Item 80 .70 5.45 1.25 .640 Social Item 81 .61 4.84 1.71 .599 Involvement Item 83 .57 6.27 1.14 .506 Item 84 .61 6.37 1.13 .537 Scale 13 .759 .790 Item 85 .64 5.43 1.65 .602 Mentoring Item 86 .58 5.31 1.56 .552 Item 88 .59 5.79 1.30 .455 Scale 14 .824 .826 Item 89 .69 5.03 1.76 .650 Curriculum Item 90 .80 4.77 1.69 .737 Orientation Item 91 .62 5.18 1.92 .661 Scale 15 .721 .696 Item 92 .59 5.09 1.75 .496 Feedback Item 93 .57 5.26 1.21 .487 Item 94 .53 5.25 1.44 .496 Item 95 .54 4.94 1.48 .600 Scale 16 .872 .872 Item 97 .62 5.46 1.42 .732 Personnel and Item 98 .69 5.39 1.34 .798 Instructions Item 100 .72 4.90 1.37 .729 Item 101 .67 5.70 1.57 .754 Scale 17 .893 .897 Item 105 .87 2.08 1.52 .834 Premature Item 106 .80 1.93 1.48 .752 Termination of Item 107 .77 1.95 1.48 .792 Contract Item 108 .48 1.66 1.13 .548 Item 109 .52 1.66 1.17 .578 Item 110 .78 1.86 1.44 .708 Item 111 .78 1.83 1.43 .620 Scale 18 .777 .775 Item 112 .53 4.87 1.08 .489 Professional Item 113 .48 5.67 1.06 .479 Competence Item 114 .63 5.59 1.05 .641 Item 115 .77 5.52 1.10 .701 Item 116 .63 5.36 1.40 .493 Scale 19 .850 .855 Item 125 .78 5.13 1.61 .496 Overall Assessment and Satisfaction Item 126 .70 5.18 1.30 .758 Scale 20 .872 .877 Item 127 .74 5.20 1.30 .709 Vocational Item 130 .80 4.81 1.45 .699 Identity Item 131 .68 4.78 1.69 .691 Scale 21 .873 .877 Item 132 .80 5.13 1.54 .719 Operational Item 134 .67 3.99 1.96 .666 Identity Item 136 .80 4.92 1.81 .740 Scale 22 .777 .776 Item 137 .60 4.98 1.81 .639 Future Prospects and Career Aspirations Item 138 .73 4.57 2.04 .639 Note. Scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (completely agree), N = 428. *Scale 7 (‘Relevance of Tasks’) did not show sufficient reliability but can be included by researchers who want to check for work task relevance despite the weak values. [1] The assumption and modelling of reflective scales results in highly correlated indicators (items) of one latent construct (factor/scale). For the 22 factors, 84 factor loadings, 22 covariances between the factors, as well as the residual variances of the indicators and variances of the factors (106) had to be estimated. The factor loading of the one indicator with the highest loading per scale was set to one, thus 190 free parameters had to be estimated. [2] Based on the Satorra-Bentler scaled Chi² statistic, MLM is appropriate especially when indicator variables deviate from normality (e.g., Boomsma & Hoogland, 2001; Schermelleh-Engel et al., 2003). [3] A threshold for factors loadings was set to a minimum of .4. Cross-loadings were deemed problematic when factor loadings differed less than .2 (Matsunaga, 2010). [4] Item 59 (uniqueness: .71, factor loading: .372, discrimination power: .289), item 61 (uniqueness: .70, factor loading: .404, discrimination power: .217), item 124 (uniqueness: .39, factor loading: .174, discrimination power: .234). (xsd:string)
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  • Learning Quality Inventory for In-Company Training in VET (VET-LQI) (xsd:string)
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  • The following descriptions of theory and the validation process in sections 3 to 5 are largely taken from the published paper by Böhn and Deutscher (2021). With regard to vocational in-company training, training quality can be defined as the “subjective perception of characteristics of vocational training that are conducive to certain outcomes” (Klotz et al., 2017). This view relies of a widely accepted approach, the 3-p model of workplace learning by Tynjälä (2013), describing learning processes on three dimensions: presage, process, product (e.g., Biggs, 1999; Seyfried et al., 2000; Visser, 1994). Based of Biggs (1999), Tynjälä (2013) emphasises the individual’s perspective and considers all learner factors and aspects of learning context within the presage (input) dimension. The process dimension includes characteristics of workplace learning such as the structure and performance of work tasks and the individual’s interaction with others. The product (output) dimension covers all learning related outcomes with a focus on the individual’s personal and professional development (Tynjälä, 2013, p. 14). Besides this broad consensus on the processual model, the ideas about specific characteristics in training reality that define these dimensions vary widely. There is a clear lack of conceptual clarity regarding vocational training quality, which is ultimately reflected in the vast amount of test instruments developed in this area that have partly little intersection. Our research objective was to organize all existing test instruments in the VET context by using a qualitative meta-synthesis, to ultimately develop a survey instrument that comprises all relevant characteristics for workplace learning in the context of VET, excluding learning in vocational schools. The survey items identified were then organized and grouped into the model of workplace learning by Tynjäjä (2013) as a theoretical framework. Figure 1 shows the resulting categories (new items were only created when necessary, see section “Item generation and selection” below). Fig. 1. Integrative category system based on a qualitative meta-synthesis of test instruments in the context of dual VET (Böhn & Deutscher, 2021, p. 30) As the German VET system is special with regard to its duality, consisting of state schooling and private training companies, large amount of research and test instruments focus on related aspects such as learning venue cooperation (e.g., Brooker & Butler, 1997; Dwyer et al., 1999; Ebner, 1997; Feller, 1995; Fink, 2015; Heinemann et al., 2009; Keck et al., 1997; Nickolaus et al., 2015; Prenzel et al., 1996; Ulrich & Tuschke, 1995; Virtanen et al., 2014; Walker et al., 2012). Since the goal of vocational training is the attainment of a formal occupational qualification, trainees’ performance needs to be assessed throughout the process. For this reason, work tasks characteristics and the training personnel are of particular relevance for in-company training (Brooker & Butler, 1997; Fuller & Unwin, 2003; Virtanen et al., 2009). Therefore, existing surveys strongly focus on questions related to those aspects (e.g., Beicht et al., 2009; Brooker & Butler, 1997; DGB, 2008; Ebner, 1997; Ernst, 2016; Feller, 1995; Gebhardt et al., 2014; Heinemann et al., 2009; Hofmann et al., 2014; Keck et al., 1997; Koch, 2016; Nickolaus et al., 2015; Prenzel et al., 1996; Velten & Schnitzler, 2012; Virtanen et al., 2014; Zimmermann et al., 1994). We focused on test instruments in the VET context, however, there is contentual overlap to general workplace learning instruments. (xsd:string)
  • : Evidence for structural validity is achieved by CFA; convergent and discriminant validity is satisfacto-ry for most scales; construct validity is given by a qualitative meta-synthesis of existent (validated) instruments. (xsd:string)