  • The Norwegian Tax Office constitutes an institution with a long tradition and history, but as well opened to the citizens' needs and meeting their expectations. It is an institution which is in a constant movement through modernisation and improvement of its services. The history of the tax system goes back to the medieval times. The tax policy has been developed since Middle Ages, when the main role was played by the church, then by the king or the state. In the next periods the tax offices were managed by the municipalities and at last, in the 60. were fully taken over by the state. A milestone in the Norwegian Tax Office's history was a reform from 1911, where the obligatory tax return was introduced and from 1957 where the current each-monthincome tax payment was implemented. For those running own businesses the advance tax payment was developed. These solutions have been applicable with success since then until now. The next big progress was made in the late 70. when the leadership was taken over by the economist, not a lawyer which was a rule then, Erling Ree-Pedersen, who started managing the organization and seeing it as a whole unity. Thanks to this approach the Tax Office has been moved closer to the tax payers and started to meet their expectations. The technological solutions, which occurred in the next years and have been developed since, have just proved that the institution which is so little popular can be helpful, friendly and approachable through the newest technologies. The Norwegian Tax Office is an institution which evokes trust among citizens, especially that the main aim of the tax policy is supporting the state with sufficient income level. Simultaneously the main aim of Norway as a welfare state is supplying the citizens with the appropriate life standard through, among others, efficient tax policy, allowing to finance the main fields within public policy. (xsd:string)
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  • Funkcjonowanie Urzędu Podatkowego w Królestwie Norwegii (xsd:string)
  • Zeitschriftenartikel (xsd:string)
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  • In: Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies, 1, 2014, 2, 133-156 (xsd:string)
  • 1 (xsd:string)