  • Contents: Ágota Scharle: Foreword (3); Hana Hašková: Factors contributing to the decline in childcare services for children under the age of three in the Czech Republic (4-20); Věra Kuchařová: Supply and demand for children’s day-care facilities and its determinants in the Czech Republic (21-40); Jana Válková: What is the direction of the Czech childcare policy? (41-56); Andrea Gyarmati: Changing values and measures in population policy, social policy and child protection in the Hungarian system of family benefits from 1989 to 2008 (57-82); Dorottya Szikra: Eastern European faces of familialism: Hungarian and Polish family policies from a historical perspective (83-95); Milena L ange, Ewa Frątczak: Day care services for children in Poland, 1980–2008 (96-106); Daniel Gerbery: Public childcare in the Slovak Republic: development, outcomes and public attitudes (107-123). (xsd:string)
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  • Manka goes to work: public childcare in the Visegrad countries 1989–2009 (xsd:string)
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