  • The role of higher education institutions in the world is growing in ensuring socio-economic development that is the result of the transition to the paradigm of knowledge economy in the most developed countries. Started in 2014, the reform of higher education system in Ukraine must, among other things, include ensuring the implementation of national intellectual capital through technologies transfer. The relevance of the article is predetermined by the need for a comprehensive approach to the preparation of plans for reforms in the period of global competition for knowledge as the main resource for development. The purpose of writing the article is substantiation of the recommendations on the most urgent aspects of the development of technology transfer in Ukraine on the basis of generalization of foreign experience and the analysis of domestic realities. To achieve the objective we identified the following tasks: to generalize theoretical principles of TT; to identify the world leaders of the TT and their peculiarities; to explore the characteristics of the development of TT in developing countries; to study the current status of TT in Ukraine. The article substantiates that the establishment of the developed innovative economy in which the activity of the TT is an important factor, as a rule, takes a long time. Results of the study showed that the lack of efficient activity of TT is often due to the fact that this activity is viewed separately from the more complex issue of knowledge management in all forms, in particular as a mandatory stage of R & D. The lack of implementation of the competence–based model in domestic Universities, research centers, businesses and state and local governments leads to the fact that the activities of TT do not have any mentioning of entrepreneurial, marketing competences. Their lack, in turn, causes low efficiency of TT activities. In the developed countries, the growth of the commercial activity of the Universities and research centers came as a result of evolutionary demands of society regarding the efficiency of investments in science and education. In the developing countries, such as Ukraine, the desire of commercial aspect in the development of the commercial aspect of TT is considered in terms of the impossibility of providing sufficient and stable funding, lack of financial mechanisms of accumulation of the results of successful TT. Under such circumstances, the really concerned are exclusively the employees of Universities and research centers themselves, the interests of whom are detached from other stakeholders’ intentions, the unity of whom is substantiated in the triple helix concept. The effectiveness of efforts with regard to TT is limited by the lack of opportunities of accumulation of financial results from the commercialization of OÌV in domestic Universities. Received financial results often are allocated on current activities because of insufficient, falling financing from traditional sources. The means of the state budget must remain the main traditional source, but in this case engaging other sources must be supported. The negative dynamics of spending state funds on research and educational activities is predetermined by various factors, among which is insufficient disclosure of the recipients from the state funds of the reports about the results and the analysis of the efficiency of their spending. Lack of publicity, lack of transparency may testify to the privatization of the results of the activities by individual subjects or to a significant corruption component in their activities. At the same time, lack of publicity can indicate a low level of public accountability of the results and inability to take responsibility for certain risks. The lack of information about created effects, including multiplying, from the implementation of OÌV and technologies provides prerequisites for the relative "victories" in the competition for budget funds in other areas. Introduction of the competence–based model, in particular entrepreneurial and marketing competencies, into the activities of TT of national institutions should improve their efficiency in the medium term to the level of the developed countries. Taking into account the obtained findings during the development of the reform of the system of education and science will increase their level of international competitiveness and the level of efficiency of investments in this field, which will have comprehensive positive impact on national prosperity. Scientific novelty of the work is proven by: substantiating of the implementation of long–term strategies to increase competitiveness of universities and research centers as key institutions in the generation and transfer of knowledge; detecting the insufficiency of entrepreneurial, marketing and other competences in the development policy of the University offices of technology transfer; substantiation of the necessity of implementation of societal requirements concerning accountability of universities and research centers for disclosure of the efficiency of spending tax payers’ money and their contribution to socio-economic development of the regions and the country. There remains a wide range of issues, the study of which my reflected in further work. In particular, we believe relevant: 1) justification of a scorecard measuring all aspects of TT; 2) study of the formation of professional networks in the field of TT; 3) substantiation of the system of motivation and efficiency of cooperation of all involved players; 4) methodological work with the patent policies of the universities and their convergence with scientific and research institutions; 5) building a culture of public accountability of institutions of scientific and educational spheres as recipients of the taxpayers' funds. (xsd:string)
  • 2015 (xsd:gyear)
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  • Конкурентоспроможний розвиток університетських офісів трансферу технологій: світовий досвід та Україна (xsd:string)
  • Zeitschriftenartikel (xsd:string)
  • journal_article (en)
  • GESIS-SSOAR (xsd:string)
  • In: European Journal of Management Issues, 2015, 5, 45-60 (xsd:string)