Among the scholars trying to grasp the
nuances and trends of social policy, there are diverse perspectives,
resulting not only from the extensive knowledge of the authors on
the systematic approach to the issue of supporting older people but
also from the grounds of the represented social gerontology
schools. In the texts of Volume VII interesting are both distinct
and coherent elements presenting the role of local, regional and
global policies in the prism of the countries from which the
authors originate: the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia,
Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Turkey, and the United States.
The chapters show a wealth of methodological approaches
to the perception of social policy and its tools. In the texts there
are issues related to the idea of active ageing, discrimination
against older people in the workplace, comparability of solutions
friendly to employment of older adults in the Czech Republic,
Poland, and Slovakia as well as focused on the importance of
educational forms (universities of the third age, senior clubs, folk
high schools, and other non-formal solutions) determining an
active life in old age.
This monograph also attempted to answer the question
regarding how to transfer the idea of intergenerational learning
into the realm of practice. This issue complements the chapter on
the implementation of intergenerational programs in institutions
providing long-term care support. The book also outlines a public
policy on ageing in the perspective of the changes over the last
few decades (Slovenia) and the case demonstrating solutions to
accelerate self-reliance as a key to active ageing (Turkey).