  • In the new educational standards of the compound there is a problem of local knowledge in each subject in a broad holistic view of the world. In geography lessons the author used a technique of drawing mental maps - representation of any natural process or object in a comprehensive, systematic, visual (graphic) form. All training information is displayed graphically on a large sheet of paper to reflect semantic, causal, associative links between concepts and is often considered a natural object or phenomenon. (xsd:string)
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  • 2015 (xsd:gyear)
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is ?:hasPart of
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is ?:mainEntity of
  • Развитие пространственного мышления школьников в процессе составления ментальных карт на уроках географии (xsd:string)
  • Zeitschriftenartikel (xsd:string)
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  • GESIS-SSOAR (xsd:string)
  • In: Koncept (Kirov): Scientific and Methodological e-magazine, 2015, 11 (xsd:string)
  • urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-435509 ()