  • This publication was created as part of the Human Capital "PIP: The Future of Professional Education - local partnership to increase the adaptability of vocational teachers" program at the request of the Regional Labour Office in Bialystok, in the framework of Measure 8.1 Development of employees and enterprises in the region, sub-measure 8.1.3 Strengthening the partnership for local adaptation, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund. The aim of the project is to develop the end of June 2015 collaboration solutions of local institutions and companies for the modernization of enterprises and vocational schools in the Podlaskie region in terms of forms of work organization, forms of performing work, work-life balance and adaptability of professional teachers threatened with unemployment. (xsd:string)
  • 2015 (xsd:gyear)
  • 2015 (xsd:gyear)
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is ?:hasPart of
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  • 978-83-63503-59-8 ()
is ?:mainEntity of
  • Doradcze i edukacyjne aspekty reorientacji zawodowej i wsparcia zatrudnienia zwalnianych pracowników oświaty (xsd:string)
  • Monographie (xsd:string)
  • GESIS-SSOAR (xsd:string)
  • urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-430157 ()