  • Fixed-term Employment and Future Planning of IntimateRelationships among Young German Adults in Partnerships +++ So far, several tudies have found ffects of fixed-term employment nsubjective insecurities as well as decisions to invest in stabilization of intimate partnerships among young adults. However, for Germany, empirical evidence is stilllacking when it comes to possible correlations between working under a fixed-termcontract and evaluations towards future planning of intimate relationships. Thisstudy tackles this question relying on a random sample which consists of 897 youngadults who are dependently employed and who live in intimat partnerships.Results sho that young German adult exer the more pessimistic evaluations offuture planning of their intimate relationship the more insecure they feel regardingtheir job situation as well a their income. Furthermore, compared to youngwomen, young men exert more pessimistic evaluations towards future planning thelower thei incom is. These results are in favor of hypotheses based on socio-psy-chological as well gender-sociological onsiderations in contras to mere economicassumptions. On a practical note it is argued that measures t re-regulat fixed-term as well as other forms of atypical employment should be accompanied by poli-cies that aim at enabling young adults to cope with the consequences of fixed-termemployment for the future planning of their intimate partnerships. (xsd:string)
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  • Befristung und partnerschaftliche Zukunftsplanungen junger deutscher Erwachsener in Partnerschaften (xsd:string)
  • Monographie (xsd:string)
  • Zeitschriftenaufsatz (de)
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  • In: Soziale Welt, Vol. 71, no. 2 (2021), p. 139-171. ISSN 0038-6073 (xsd:string)