  • Editors' introduction - in defense of political science (1-5). PART I: THORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF VOTER BEHAVIOR. Ian McAllister: Democratic theory and electoral behavior (9-20); Vincent L. Hutchings; Hakeem J. Jefferson: The sociological and social-psychological approaches (21-30); Keith Dowding: Rational choice theory and voting (30-40); B. Guy Peters: Institutions and voting behavior (41-53). PART II: TURNOUT: WHY PEOPLE VOTE ( OR DON'T). Jack Vowles: The big picture: turnout at the macro-level (57-68); Eric Plutzer: Demographics and the social bases of voter turnout (69-82); John H. Aldrich; Libby M. Jenke: Turnout and the calculus of voting: recent advances and prospects for integration with theories of campaigns and elections (83-95); Jan W. van Deth: Voting and the expanding repertoire of participation (96-107); Elias Dinas: The acquisition of voting habits (108-119): PART III: DETERMINANTS OF VOTE CHOICE. Geoffrey Evans; Ksenia Northmore-Ball: Long-term factors: class and religious cleavages (123-135); Martin Elff: Ideology and electoral choice (136-145); Shaun Bowler: Party identification (146-157); Oliver Heath: Trends in partisanship (158-169); Anthony Mughan; Loes Aaldering: Politics, media and the electoral role of party leaders (170-180); R. Michael Alvarez, D. Roderick Kiewiet; Lucas Núñez: Preferences, constraints, and choices: tactical voting in mass elections (181-191); Marianne C. Stewart; Harold D. Clarke: Economic voting (192-203). PART IV: THE ROLE OF CONTEXT AND CAMPAIGNS. Iain McLean: Electoral systems (207-219); Pippa Norris: Electoral integrity (220-231); Hermann Schmitt; Eftichia Teperoglou: Voting behavior in multi-level electoral systems (232-243); Ron Johnston and Charles Pattie: Local context, social networks and neighborhood effects on voter choice (244-255); Michael Marsh: Voting behavior in referendums (256-266); Robert Huckfeldt, Matthew T. Pietryka; John B. Ryan: Networks, contexts, and the process of political influence (267-279); Justin Fisher: Persuasion and mobilization efforts by parties and candidates (280-292); Holli A. Semetko; Hubert Tworzecki: Campaign strategies, media, and voters: the fourth era of political communication (293-304); Susan Banducci: The role of mass media in shaping public opinion and voter behavior (305-318); Stephen Ward, Rachel Gibson; Marta Cantijoch: Digital campaigning (319-339). PART V: THE NATURE OF PUBLIC OPINION. Oddbjorn Knutsen: Attitudes, values and belief systems (343-356); Robert S. Erikson: The stability of political attitudes (357-368); Jennifer van Heerde-Hudson: Political knowledge: measurement, misinformation and turnout (369-382); Jorgen Bolstad; Is there a rational public? (283-393); Lorenzo De Sio: The geometry of party competition: parties and voters in the issue space (994-403); Christopher Wlezien: The thermostatic model: the public, policy and politics (404-415); Pedro C. Magalhaes: Regime support (416-428); Wouter van der Brug; Mark N. Franklin: Generational replacement: engine of electoral change (429-442). PART VI: MEZHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES AND NEW DEVELOPMENTS. Cees van der Eijk: Selecting the dependent variable in electoral studies: choice or preference? (445-457); Laura Stoker; Andrew McCall: The quest for representative survey samples (458-471); Edward Fieldhouse; Christopher Prosser: Horses for courses: using internet surveys for researching public opinion and voting behavior (472-484); Luana Russo: The use of aggregate data in the study of voting behavior: ecological inference, ecological fallacy and other applications (485-495); Stephen D. Fisher: Election forecasting (496-508); Donald P. Green; Erin A. York: Field experiments in political behavior (509-533); Jonathan Mellon: Making inferences about elections and public opinion using incidentally collected data (522-532). (xsd:string)
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