  • - Stoop, Ineke; Harrison, Eric: Classification of Surveys... 7; - Oldendick, Robert W.: Survey Research Ehtics... 23; - Bautista, RenĂ©: An Overlooked Approach in Survey Research - Total Survey Error... 37; - Hibberts, Mary u.a.: Common Survey Sampling Techniques... 53; - Stalans, Loretta J.: Framings, Framing Effects, and Survey Responses.... 75; - Gideon, Lior: the Art of Question Phrasing... 91; - Gideon, Lior: Moskos, Peter: Interviewing... 109; - Stoop, Ineke: Unit Non-Response Du to Refusal... 121; - Billiet, Jaak; Matsuo, Hideko: Non-Response and Measurement Error... 149; - Albaum, Gerald; Smith, Scott M.: Why People Agree to Participate in Surveys... 179; - Glaser, Patrick: Respondents Cooperation - Demographic Profile of Survey Respondents and Its Implication... 195; - Toepoel, Vera: Effects of Incentives in Surveys... 209; - Neuman, W. Lawrence: Designing the Face-to-Face-Survey... 227; - Stoop, Ineke; Harrison, Eric: Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys Using FTF... 249; - Vehovar, Vasja u.a.: Costs and Errors in Fixed and Mobile Phone Surveys... 277; - Henninger, Alana; Sung, Hung-En: Mail Surveys in Social Research... 297; - Mesch, Gustavo: E-Mail Surveys... 313; - Mano, Amber N.; Burke, Jennifer M.: Increasing Response Rate in Web-Based/Internet Surveys... 327; - Toepoel, Vera: Building Your Own Online Panel Via E-Mail and Other Digital Media... 345; - Shine, Beau; Dulisse, Brandon: Does Paying More Mean Getting a Better Product - Comparison of Modes of Survey Administration... 361; - McNeeley, Susan: Sensitive Issues in Surveys - Reducing Refusals While Increasing Reliability and Quality of Responses to Sensitive Survey Items... 377; - Arsovska, Jana: Research Difficult Populations - Interviewing Techniques and Methodological Issues in Face-to-Face Interviews in the Study of Organized Crime... 397; - Kleck, Gary; Roberts, Kelly: What Survey Modes are Most Effective in Eliciting Self-Reports of Criminal or Delinquent Behavior?... 417; - Yang, Sue-Ming; Hinkle, Joshua C.: Issues in Survey Design - Using Surveys of Vicitimization and Fear of Crime as Examples; - Aviram, Hadar: What Would You Do? Conducting Web-Based Factorial Vignette Surveys... 463; - Oberski, Daniel L.: Comparability of Survey Measurements... 477; - Hyland, Patrick; Dotan-Eliaz, Orly: Employee Surveys as Catalysts for Change - Turing Data into Action (xsd:string)
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