  • 1. Analysis of Variance: Between-Groups Designs / Alan J. Klockars 2. Analysis of Variance: Repeated Measures Designs / Lisa M. Lix and H.J. Keselman ; 3. Canonical Correlation Analysis 7 Xitao Fan & Timothy R. Konold ; 4. Cluster Analysis / Dena Pastor ; 5. Correlation and Other Measures of Association / Jason W. Osborne 6. Discriminant Analysis / Carl J. Huberty ; 7. Effect Sizes and Confidence Intervals / Geoff Cumming and Fiona Fidler ; 8. Factor Analysis: Exploratory and Confirmatory / Deborah L. Bandalos and Sara J. Finney ; 9. Generalizability Theory / Amy Hendrickson and Ping Yin ; 10. Hierarchical Linear Modeling / D. Betsy McCoach ; 11. Interrater Reliability / William T. Hoyt ; 12. Item Response Theory / R.J. De Ayala ; 13. Latent Class Analysis / Karen M. Samuelsen and C. Mitchell Dayton ; 14. Latent Growth Curve Models / Kristopher J. Preacher ; 15. Latent Transition Analysis / David Rindskopf ; 16. Latent Variable Mixture Models / Gitta Lubke ; 17. Logistic Regression / Ann A. O'Connell and K. Rivet Amico ; 18. Log-Linear Analysis / Ronald C. Serlin and Michael A. Seaman ; 19. Meta-Analysis / S. Natasha Beretvas ; 20. Multidimensional Scaling / Mark L. Davison, Cody S. Ding and Se-Kang Kim ; 21. Multiple Regression / Ken Kelley and Scott E. Maxwell ; 22. Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis / Keith F. Widaman ; 23. Multivariate Analysis of Variance / Stephen Olejnik ; 24. Power Analysis / Kevin R. Murphy ; 25. Reliability and Validity of Instruments / Thomas R. Knapp and Ralph O. Mueller ; 26. Research Design / Sharon A. Dannels ; 27. Single-Subject Design and Analysis / Andrew L. Egel and Christine H. Barthold ; 28. Structural Equation Modeling / Ralph O. Mueller and Gregory R. Hancock ; 29. Structural Equation Modeling: Multisample Covariance and Mean Structures / Richard G. Lomax ; 30. Survey Sampling, Administration, and Analysis / Laura M. Stapleton ; 31. Survival Analysis / Paul D. Allison (xsd:string)
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