  • Chapter 1: What we Know and do not Know About Citizens’ Attitudes; Towards Europe / Daniel Gaxie 1; Chapter 2: The Eurobarometer and the Making of European Opinion /; Philippe Aldrin 17; Chapter 3: Methodology of the Project / Daniel Gaxie and Jay Rowell 35; Chapter 4: Types of Attitudes Towards Europe / Daniel Gaxie 51; Chapter 5: For or Against the EU? Ambivalent Attitudes and Varied; Arguments Towards Europe / Dorota Dakowska and Nicolas Hubé 85; Chapter 6: Temporality and Historical Experience in Attitudes Towards; Europe: Is There a Nationality Effect? / Dorota Dakowska and Jay Rowell 101; Chapter 7: Talking About Europe: Techniques and Resources in the; Formulation of Opinions on the EU / Philippe Aldrin and Marine De Lassalle 119; Chapter 8: Producing Opinions on European Questions: A Specific; Competence? / Patrick Lehingue 143; Chapter 9: The European Puzzle: Gathering, Sorting and Assembling; Piecemeal Information / Giuliano Bobba, Katarzyna Jaszczyk and Muriel Rambour 157; Chapter 10: European Worlds / Marine de Lassalle 175; Chapter 11: Europe in the Popular Milieus: What `Silent Citizens’; Perceive of Europe / Christèle Marchand and Pierre Edouard Weill 197; Chapter 12: When Europe Mobilises.. / Nicolas Hubé, Jean-Matthieu Méon and Sébastien Michon 215; Conclusion / Daniel Gaxie 241 (xsd:string)
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  • Colchester: ECPR Press, 2011.- XIII, 272 S. (xsd:string)
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