  • - Introduction: How Social Change Affects Individual Adaptation - Rainer K Silbereisen and Xinyin Chen 1; - A Challenge-Response-Model in Research on Social Change - Steffen Schmidt 31; - Life Management in Developmental Settings of Modernity - Jochen Brandtstadter 50; - Comceptualizing the Dynamics of Lives and Historical Time: Life Course Phenomena, Institutional Dynamics and Sociohistorical Change - Ross Macmillan and Arturo Baiocchi 73; - Globalization, Institutional Filters and Changing Life Course - Dirk Hofäcker et al. 101; - Demands of Social Change and Psychosocial Adjustment: Results from the Jena Study - Rainer K Silbereisen et al. 125; - Globalization, Social Inequality and Individual Agency in Human Development: Social Change for Better or Worse? - Jutta Heckhausen 148; - Institutional Responses to Social Change in Comparative Perspective - Reinhold Sackmann 167; - Class, Stratification and Personality under Conditions of Apparent Social Stability and of Radical Social Change - Melvin L Kohn 190; - Children's Socioemotional Functioning and Adjustment in the Changing Chinese Society - Xinyin Chen and Hiuchang Chen 209; - Social Change and Premarital Sexual Behaviour and Attitudes in Vietnam - Rukmalie Jayakody et al. 227; - Social Change and Transition Experiences among Young Adults in Britain - Ingrid Schoon 245; Political Elites as an Agent of Social Change: The Polish Perspective - Jacek Wasilewski 271 (xsd:string)
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