  • Section I. Fundamental Conceptual Frameworks; 1. General Introduction; Walter R. Heinz, Johannes Huinink, Christopher S. Swader, and Ansgar Weymann; 2. Life Course and Social Structure; Leonard D. Cain, Jr.; 3. The World We Forgot: A Historical Review of the Life Course; Martin Kohli; 4. Perspectives on the Life Course; Glen H.Elder, Jr.; Section II. Life Course Policy. The State and Its Institutions; 5. Life Course Policy. The State and Its Institutions. Introduction to Section II; Ansgar Weymann; 6. The State and the Life Course; Karl U. Mayer and Urs Schoepflin; 7. The Life Course, Institutions, and Life Course Policy; Ansgar Weymann; 8. The Life-Course Regime: Ambiguities Between Interrelatedness and Individualization; Helga Krüger; 9. Toward a Theory of Life Course Institutionalization; René Levy; Section III. Inequality, Markets, and the Life Course; 10. Inequality, Markets, and the Life Course. Introduction to Section III; Christopher S. Swader; 11. New Routes to Employment: Integration and Exclusion; John Bynner; 12. Occupational Careers Under Different Welfare Regimes: West Germany, Great Britain and Sweden; Jutta Allmendinger and Thomas Hinz; 13. A Life-Course Perspective on Social Exclusion and Poverty; Caroline Dewilde; 14. Comparing Paths of Transition: Employment Opportunities and Earnings in East Germany and Poland During the First Ten Years of the Transformation Process; Martin Diewald and Bogdan W. Mach; Section IV. Linked Lives, Families, and Intergenerational Relations; 15. Linked Lives, Families, and Intergenerational Relations. Introduction to Section IV; Johannes Huinink; 16. From Youth to Adulthood: Understanding Changing Patterns of Family Formation From a Life Course Perspective; Aart C. Liefbroer; 17. Theoretical Perspectives on Couples' Careers; Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Sonja Drobni?; 18. Linked Lives: A Transgenerational Approach to Resilience; Phyllis Moen and Mary Ann Erickson; 19. Interdependent Lives and Relationships in Changing Times: A Life-Course View of Families and Aging; Gunhild O. Hagestad; Section V. Transitions: Biography and Agency; 20. Transitions: Biography and Agency. Introduction to Section V; Walter R. Heinz; 21. Adult Lives in a Changing Society; Glen H. Elder, Jr., and Angela M. O'Rand; 22. Structure, Agency, and the Space Between: On the Challenges and Contradictions of a Blended View of the Life Course; Richard A. Settersten, Jr., and Lynn Gannon; 23. Status Passages as Micro-Macro Linkages in Life Course Research; Walter R. Heinz; 24. Clocking Out: Temporal Patterning of Retirement; Shin-Kap Han and Phyllis Moen (xsd:string)
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