  • 1. The Survey Process.; 1.1. About Surveys.; 1.2. A Survey, Step-by-Step.; 1.3. Some History of Survey Research.; 1.4. This Book.; 1.5. Samplonia. 2. Basic Concepts.; 2.1. The Survey Objectives.; 2.2. The Target Population.; 2.3. The Sampling Frame.; 2.4. Sampling.; 2.5. Estimation. 3. Questionnaire Design.; 3.1. The Questionnaire.; 3.2. Factual and Nonfactual Questions.; 3.3. The Question Text.; 3.4. Answer Types.; 3.5. Question Order.; 3.6. Questionnaire Testing. 4. Single Sampling Designs.; 4.1. Simple Random Sampling.; 4.2. Systematic Sampling.; 4.3. Unequal Probability Sampling.; 4.4. Systematic Sampling with Unequal Probabilities. 5. Composite Sampling Designs.; 5.1. Stratified Sampling.; 5.2. Cluster Sampling.; 5.3. Two-Stage Sampling.; 5.4. Two-Dimensional Sampling. 6. Estimators.; 6.1. Use of Auxiliary Information.; 6.2. A Descriptive Model.; 6.3. The Direct Estimator.; 6.4. The Ratio Estimator.; 6.5. The Regression Estimator.; 6.6. The Poststratification Estimator. 7. Data Collection.; 7.1. Traditional Data Collection.; 7.2. Computer-Assisted Interviewing.; 7.3. Mixed-Mode Data Collection.; 7.4. Electronic Questionnaires.; 7.5. Data Collection with Blaise. 8. The Quality of the Results.; 8.1. Errors in Surveys.; 8.2. Detection and Correction of Errors.; 8.3. Imputation Techniques.; 8.4. Data Editing Strategies. 9. The Nonresponse Problem.; 9.1. Nonresponse.; 9.2. Response Rates.; 9.3. Models for Nonresponse.; 9.4. Analysis of Nonresponse.; 9.5. Nonresponse Correction Techniques. 0. Weighting Adjustment.; 10.1. Introduction.; 10.2. Poststratification.; 10.3. Linear Weighting.; 10.4. Multiplicative Weighting.; 10.5. Calibration Estimation.; 10.6. Other Weighting Issues.; 10.7. Use of Propensity Scores.; 10.8. A Practical Example. 11. Online Surveys.; 11.1. The Popularity of Online Research.; 11.2. Errors in Online Surveys.; 11.3. The Theoretical Framework.; 11.4. Correction by Adjustment Weighting.; 11.5. Correction Using a Reference Survey.; 11.6. Sampling the Non-Internet Population.; 11.7. Propensity Weighting.; 11.8. Simulating the Effects of Undercoverage.; 11.9. Simulating the Effects of Self-Selection.; 11.10. About the Use of Online Surveys. 12. Analysis and Publication.; 12.1. About Data Analysis.; 12.2. The Analysis of Dirty Data.; 12.3. Preparing a Survey Report.; 12.4. Use of Graphs. 13. Statistical Disclosure Control.; 13.1. Introduction.; 13.2. The Basic Disclosure Problem.; 13.3. The Concept of Uniqueness.; 13.4. Disclosure Scenarios.; 13.5. Models for the Disclosure Risk.; 13.6. Practical Disclosure Protection. (xsd:string)
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