  • Inhaltsverzeichnis:; 1 A Comparative Review of Interaction and Nonlinear Modeling. Edward E. Rigdon , Randall E. Schumacker , and Werner Wothke (1-16); ; 2 Modeling Interaction and Nonlinear Effects: A Step-by-Step LISREL Example. Fan Yang Jonsson (17-42).; 3 Modeling Interaction and Nonlinear Effects With Mx: A General Approach. Michael C. Neale (43-62).; 4 EQS and LISREL Examples Using Survey Data. Robert A. Ping, Jr. (63-100).; 5 Estimating Interaction and Nonlinear Effects With SAS. Phillip K Wood and Darin J. Erickson (101-124).; 6 Two-Stage Least Squares Estimation of Interaction Effects. Kenneth A. Bollen and Pamela Paxton (125152).; 7 Modeling Interaction Effects: A Two-Stage Least Squares Example. Fuzhong Li and Peter Harmer (153-166).; 8 Effect Decomposition in Interaction and Nonlinear Models. Richard L. Tate (167-182).; 9 Estimating Nonlinear Effects Using a Structured Means Intercept Approach. Benoî LaPlante , Stéphane Sabourin , Louis-Georges Cournoyer , and John Wright (183-202).; 10 Estimating Nonlinear Effects Using a Latent Moderated Structural Equations Approach. Karin Schermelleh-Engel , Andreas Klein , and Helfried Moosbrugger (203-238).; 11 Interaction and Nonlinear Modeling: Issues and Approaches. Karl G. Jöreskog (239-250). (xsd:string)
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  • Interaction and non-linear effects in structural equation (xsd:string)
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  • Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1998.- X, 265 S., graph. Darst. (xsd:string)