Property | Value |
UNITED STATES: The Middle East; GREECE: Communism/The West/The Right; NETHERLANDS: Government Policies; GERMANY: Travel Habits; FRANCE: National Self-Perception; JAPAN: National Self-Perception; UNITED STATES: Business Schools; CANADA: Loyalty to Doctors; ISRAEL: Government and its Leaders; UNITED STATES: Long-Distance Telephone Companies; FRANCE: The Catholic Church
UNITED STATES: The Middle East; GREECE: Communism/The West/The Right; NETHERLANDS: Government Policies; GERMANY: Travel Habits; FRANCE: National Self-Perception; JAPAN: National Self-Perception; UNITED STATES: Business Schools; CANADA: Loyalty to Doctors; ISRAEL: Government and its Leaders; UNITED STATES: Long-Distance Telephone Companies; FRANCE: The Catholic Church.