Property | Value |
Religious belief and public attitudes about science in the U.S; - Views on Evolution; - Certainty of views on development of life; - Do scientists agree about evolution; - Predicted probability of believing in evolution; - Causes of homosexuality; - Durability of homosexuality; - Homosexuality as genetic trait; - Homosexuality changeable?; - Global warming; - Believe in man-made global warming; - Religion as an influence on environmental views?
Religious belief and public attitudes about science in the U.S; - Views on Evolution; - Certainty of views on development of life; - Do scientists agree about evolution; - Predicted probability of believing in evolution; - Causes of homosexuality; - Durability of homosexuality; - Homosexuality as genetic trait; - Homosexuality changeable?; - Global warming; - Believe in man-made global warming; - Religion as an influence on environmental views?