  • 10.2298/SOC1802481P (xsd:string)
is ?:duplicate of
  • Ispitivanje Struktura Dimenzija Tradicionalnih/Sekularno-Racionalnih Vrednosti I Vrednosti Prezivljavanja/Samoekspresije U Modelu Ronalda Inglharta: Slucaj Srbije [Examination of the Structure of the Traditional/Secular-Rational and Survival/Self-expression Value Dimensions in the Model of Ronald Inglehart: the Case of Serbia] (xsd:string)
  • 101.838 (xsd:float)
  • Ispitivanje Struktura Dimenzija Tradicionalnih/Sekularno-Racionalnih Vrednosti I Vrednosti Prezivljavanja/Samoekspresije U Modelu Ronalda Inglharta: Slucaj Srbije [Examination of the Structure of the Traditional/Secular-Rational and Survival/Self-expression Value Dimensions in the Model of Ronald Inglehart: the Case of Serbia] (xsd:string)
  • gesis (xsd:string)