  • 10.5559/di.28.3.01 (xsd:string)
is ?:duplicate of
  • Između distancirane crkvenosti i intenzivne osobne religioznosti: religijske promjene u hrvatskom društvu od 1999. do 2018. godine (Between Distanced Church Religiosity and Intensive Personal Religiosity: Religious Changes in Croatian Society from 1999 to 2018) (xsd:string)
  • 88.3162 (xsd:float)
  • Između distancirane crkvenosti i intenzivne osobne religioznosti: religijske promjene u hrvatskom društvu od 1999. do 2018. godine (Between Distanced Church Religiosity and Intensive Personal Religiosity: Religious Changes in Croatian Society from 1999 to 2018) (xsd:string)
  • gesis (xsd:string)