  • 10.17234/SocEkol.32.3.1 (xsd:string)
is ?:duplicate of
  • Model krafne: okvir procjene društvenog utjecaja niskougljične tranzicije na primjeru četiri grada u Hrvatskoj (The Donut Model: A Framework for Assessing the Social Impacts of the Low-Carbon Transition Using the Example of Four Cities in Croatia ) (xsd:string)
  • 93.3727 (xsd:float)
  • Model krafne: okvir procjene društvenog utjecaja niskougljične tranzicije na primjeru četiri grada u Hrvatskoj (The Donut Model: A Framework for Assessing the Social Impacts of the Low-Carbon Transition Using the Example of Four Cities in Croatia ) (xsd:string)
  • gesis (xsd:string)