  • How well can voters place the positions of parties in salient policy domains? Much of the literature on issue congruence assumes that the democratic linkage works well as long as voters and parti es are reasonably close in their policy position. In order for the democratic linkage to work, political parties must take policy positions that are informed by public opinion. At the same time, the public makes its selection on the ballot for a party base d on its understanding of where the party stands on key policies. One important assumption in this linkage is that voters are able to identify where political parties stand in regard to salient policy issues. The aim of this paper is to examine the party - l evel and country - level factors that affect the public's ability to accurately place parties on a spectrum concerning left/right socioeconomic issues and European integration issues. While recent research has shown a connection between public opinion concer ning European integration and party position on the issue, the question still remains, whether the public is able to properly place the policy position of political parties in this policy domain. Using data from Parlgov and the 2009 European Election Studi es, we develop a dependent variable that measures the distance between individuals' assessments of party position on the question of left/right placement and on European integration, and the parties' actual positions on these issues. We employ OLS regress ion with clustered standard errors in addressing this question. Our findings indicate that higher levels of party - system fractionalization, and party - system polarization, as well as party size are associated with greater public accuracy when placing parti es on both a left/right spectrum, whereas the public can more accurately place parties on the issue of EU integration when party - systems are more fractionalized. (xsd:string)
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  • Policy Positions in the Eyes of the Beholder: Voters' Understanding of Parties' Positions on the left/right and on European Integration (xsd:string)
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  • American Political Science Association Annual Conference (xsd:string)
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  • In American Political Science Association Annual Conference, 1-40, 2014 (xsd:string)
  • Euromanifesto Study (xsd:string)
  • Voter Study (xsd:string)
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