  • The current special issue aims to contribute to these international debates byanalysing the potential and limitations of PIAAC data for comparative research onadult skill formation and the associated policy debates. We are particularly interested inwhat PIAAC can tell us about existing educational and social inequalities betweenadults across and within countries. The seven empirical studies included in this specialissue interrogate skill inequalities in relation to three domains: acquisition of skillsthrough education (Heisig, Elbers, and Solga2019), returns to education and training(Danner, Lechner, and Rammstedt2019; Kwon, Park, and Byun2019) and labourmarket mismatch (Capsada-Munsech2019; Choi, Guio, and Escardibul2019; Fregin,Levels, and van der Veldenforthcoming; Sevilla and Farías2019). The special issueconsists of four cross-national comparative studies (Choi, Guio, and Escardibul2019;Danner, Lechner, and Rammstedt2019; Fregin, Levels, and van der Veldenforth-coming; Heisig, Elbers, and Solga2019) and three studies delving deeply into a singlecountry analysis focusing on Spain (Capsada-Munsech2019), South Korea (Kwon,Park, and Byun2019), and Chile (Sevilla and Farías2019). The selected papers showthe potential of PIAAC not only for studying international patterns but also foranalysing how national political economy contexts shape inequalities in adult skills.At the same time, they provide several insights into and reflections on the methodo-logical limitations of this kind of international large-scale assessments for comparativeeducation research and policymaking. (xsd:string)
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  • Exploring the OECD survey of adult skills (PIAAC): Implications for comparative education research and policy (xsd:string)
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  • In Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 50(2), 155-164, 2020 (xsd:string)
  • PIAAC - Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (xsd:string)
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