  • "This study considers the linkage between social capital and government performance. The latter concept is disaggregated into two dimensions: policy activism and administrative efficiency. Social capital may be related to government performance either because it increases the level of political sophistication and facilitates the cooperation within society, helping people to voice their policy demands better, or because social capital, being shared also by the bureaucratic elites of a polity, facilitates cooperation and helps to overcome the agency problem within the bureaucratic organization. The former argument links social capital to policy activism while the latter links it to administrative efficiency. Empirical tests with data from the German and American subnational governments provide support for the former but not for the latter argument. [...] For the German cases the indicators of social capital were coded from the German General Social Survey (Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung and Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen 2001) [1980-1996]. Altogether ten surveys were conducted from 1980 through 1996. Two separate indicators of social capital are used for the German cases. Unfortunately, a direct measure of interpersonal trust on subnational level is not available for the German cases. In its stead, the General Social Survey asks the respondents to what extent they trust their local government. This measure is used as a proxy for generalized trust based on the findings in the previous research that social trust and political trust are positively and significantly related.15 Second, an average score of respondent's answer to the questions of whether he or she is a member of the following organizations: a choir, a sports club, a hobby club, a youth or student organization, a welfare society, or any other society, was used to measure the organizational membership aspect of social capital." (xsd:string)
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  • Aufgenommen: 24. Fassung, Februar 2010 (xsd:gyear)
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  • Making Democracy Work More? Exploring the Linkage between Social Capital and Government Performance (xsd:string)
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  • In Political Research Quaterly, 59(2), 211-225, 2006 (xsd:string)
  • ALLBUS (xsd:string)
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