  • The purpose of the thesis with the title Macedonia – An Analysis of Religious Changes during the Period of Transition is to find out whether the changes in the religious sphere actually happened and what kind of changes are we talking about. To carry out our research we used different methods – the method of historical analysis and the descriptive method of historical events, an analysis of theories that are related to sociology of religion an religious changes, and finally the method of secondary analysis of empirical data that are related to the religious sphere in Macedonia. Macedonia's entrance into the period of transition causes the newly formed country to experience economic, political and sociocultural chages. Those are reflected also in the changing ethical and value systems of the individual as well as of the whole society. If we understand religion as a part of the social system, then we can assume that certain changes appeared also in the religious area. These changes turned out to be in favor of religion and religious institutions. With the collapse of the socialist system and the formation of the republic of Macedonia, the newly formed country finds itself serching for its identity again. In this process Macedonia leans on religion, the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which, in the chaotic times of Yugoslavia's breakup, proves out to be a fervent supporter of tradition, with the help of which the Macedonian nation can bind again. On the other side, the Albaninan minority in Macedonia leans on the Islamic community. Religion undoubtedly played an important role in the relations between Macedonians and Albanians, what can be perceived in the conflict in 2001 that led to armed conflicts. In Macedonia's society, religion and religious institutions have gained a more important role again, which results in the revitalization of religion. The process of secularization was evidently slowing down as the nation was turning towards desecularization – revitalisation of religion, not only on the level of society, but also on the level of the individual and his personal beliefs. All that can be confirmed by the data of various empirical surveys based on Macedonia, like the surveys of macedonian sociologists (Matevska, Aceski etc.) and international research, like the studies of The European Values Study (EVS), The World Values Study (WVS), The Gallup Study etc. (xsd:string)
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