  • Do political actors communicate effectively during electoral campaigns? We introduce a novel concept in electoral research, the ``perceived effectiveness of political parties' election campaigns.'' This evaluation concentrates on the extent to which a party is seen as getting its message across to the voter. Empirical analyses using survey data and a media content analysis during the 2009 European Parliamentary elections show that the more exposed to news about a particular party, the more a voter feels that this party gets its message across. A party's perceived campaign effectiveness is greater when one or two other parties are also mentioned in a particular news item, which may make the party's profile more pronounced. Furthermore, the greater a voter's interest in the campaign, the larger the effect of exposure on party evaluations. The article concludes by discussing party evaluations and campaign effectiveness in the light of our findings. (xsd:string)
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  • In Journal of Political Marketing, 12(1), 100-120, 2013 (xsd:string)
  • Media Study (xsd:string)
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