  • A 5-item short form of the Need for Closure Scale (NFCS-5) for use in general population surveys is proposed. Recently, interest in the motivational and cognitive underpinnings of political information processing, attitudes, and behavior has resurged (e.g., Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, and Sulloway, 2003), especially interest in the political consequences of dispositional need for cognitive closure (e.g., Chirumbolo, Areni, and Sensales, 2004). The Need for Closure scale (NFCS) measures an individual’s motivation to “seize and freeze” on beliefs that offer simplicity, certainty, and clarity and has been well-validated (Webster and Kruglanski, 1994). However, the original 41-item scale is obviously too lengthy for use in general population surveys, and the same is true for its validated shorter versions. A previous attempt to validate an adapted 5-item version of the NFCS in an ANES pilot study was not successful (Federico, Jost, Pierro, and Kruglanski, 2007). The NFCS-5 proposed here is adapted from prior validation analyses by Roets and Van Hiel (2011) and was validated in three studies. Study 1, based on an online survey of a US-American student sample (N = 382), and Study 2, based on an online survey of a US-American general population sample (N = 1,023), demonstrated adequate internal consistency (alpha ≥ .72) and the expected factorial structure of the NFCS-5; its consistency with a validated 15-item NFCS; and its predicted association with a relevant personality measure (need for cognition). Study 3, based on a online-surveyed general population sample from the German Longitudinal Election Studies (GLES; N = 1,049), replicated reliability (alpha = .71) and factorial structure of the NFCS-5; and demonstrated its criterion validity in predicting measures of political conservatism and group-centrism. The NFCS-5 was economic with administration times ranging from 37 to 44 seconds across Studies 1-3. (xsd:string)
  • (GLES) (xsd:string)
  • GLES-Bibliography (xsd:string)
  • 4. Fassung, Februar 2014 (xsd:gyear)
  • 2014 (xsd:gyear)
  • 2014 (xsd:gyear)
is ?:hasPart of
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  • A general survey measure of the need for closure (xsd:string)
  • inproceedings (xsd:string)
  • 69. Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) (xsd:string)
  • Bibsonomy (xsd:string)
  • In 69. Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), 2014 (xsd:string)
  • 15.05.-18.05.2014 (xsd:gyear)
  • German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) (xsd:string)
  • 2014 (xsd:string)
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  • GLES (xsd:string)
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