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This dissertation investigates the gender gap in voluntary association participation in cross-national perspective and gives insights into why women’s voluntary association affiliation is similar to that of men in some countries but falls behind men’s participation in other countries. This dissertation adds to the existing literature by focusing on the antecedents of the gender gap in voluntary association participation. The crucial starting point has been to conceptualize membership in voluntary associations as a multilevel phenomenon affected by individual-level attributes as well as country-level characteristics. Using this perspective makes it possible to investigate cross-national variation in the gender gap in voluntary association participation and to examine how the gender gap is related to composition effects and shaped by country characteristics. Studying the extent of the gender gap in voluntary association participation and identifying its causes may help in understanding women’s position in contemporary societies. By joining a voluntary association the individual actor becomes part of a social network. The social resources embedded in this network may be accessed and mobilized for achieving one’s aims. Therefore, voluntary associations are a relevant factor in structuring social inequality and membership in voluntary associations has ramifications in the status attainment process. If women’s position in different areas of society is — at least partly — influenced by the resources that become available via participation in voluntary associations, then it will be fruitful to study the extent of this gender gap as well as its individual and societal antecedents.
Although there is ample evidence from single-country studies of a gender gap in voluntary association participation and a sizeable stock of comparative studies on levels of voluntary association participation as well as cross-national research on gender inequalities in the family, the market and the state, there is a lack of a systematic inquiry of the gender gap in the voluntary sector in comparative perspective. Thus, in order to close this research gap the central research questions pursued in this dissertation are: Is there a gender gap in voluntary association participation in contemporary European countries? Does this gender gap vary across countries? Which individual-level and country-level characteristics as well as mechanisms can explain these cross-national differences? Is the gender gap varying over time? Which factors can explain temporal variation in the gender gap in voluntary association participation?
In order to answer these questions, data from the European Social Survey, the European Values Study and the World Values Survey has been analyzed using different quantitative methods including two-level Poisson regression, nonlinear Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition and three-level logistic multilevel models for change. These analyses give insights into the multilevel antecedents of the gender gap in voluntary association participation.
- (EVS)
Voluntarily Disconnected? A Cross-national and Longitudinal Study on Gender Differentials in Voluntary Association Participation
[Freiwillig unverbunden? Eine international vergleichende und längsschnittliche Untersuchung zu den Geschlechterunterschieden in der Partizipation in Freiwilligenassoziationen]
European Values Study (EVS)