  • The purpose of the article is to analyze changes in the level of inequality of personal incomeof the population in Poland, in inter- and intra-regional systems in 2004-2021, among others, in thelight of measures of inequality based on entropy statistics and the Gini index. The paper attempts toanswer the following research questions: how did the level of intra- and inter-regional inequality inPoland change in 2004-2021 in the light of the value of the personal income index of the population?,to what extent does the level of inequality at the local level affect the overall level of income inequal-ity in Poland? and what are the regularities in the variability of the spatial distribution of incomeinequality in Poland? In the course of the research procedure, it was shown that the level of incomeinequality in Poland decreased in the period under study. Intra-regional inequality shapes the levelof inequality to a greater extent than inter-regional inequality. Among the provinces with the highestlevel of inequality are Mazowieckie and Malopolskie, and the lowest are Opolskie and Zachodniopo-morskie. In most regions, a much faster rate of growth in the personal income of the population wasobserved in municipalities with relatively lowest incomes. (xsd:string)
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  • Zmiany nierówności przestrzennych dochodów w Polsce na poziomie lokalnym w latach 2004–2021 (Changes in spatial inequality of income in Poland at the local level from 2004 to 2021) (xsd:string)
  • article (xsd:string)
  • Bibsonomy (xsd:string)
  • In Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna(65), 91-108, 2023 (xsd:string)
  • European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) (xsd:string)
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