  • "Western industrial countries in recent years have witnessed a more or less clear increase in punitivity. This is true especially in the United States, but also in Canada and in European countries, such as Germany. These increases favoring harsher punishments are based on changes in social conditions that must be taken into account in discussions about criminal development and fear of crime. In many European countries, but above all in Germany, since the end of the 1980s, basic sociopolitical changes have added to numerous fears and insecurities among the people. The opening of the borders, freedom of the press, mass movements of populations, and along with these changes came increases in crime, mainly in the former Eastern bloc, but also though less so in the Western industrial nations. The sharp increase in crime levels, even though they are still smaller than in Western countries, a rise of unemployment, inflation, and financial problems among both private individuals and in states, provoked a considerable sense of insecurity. On this basis, it is no wonder that broad segments of the population also favor a harsher treatment of deviants, above all since politicians offer solutions involving legal and punitive reforms." Der Beitrag untersucht Unterschiede in der Einstellung von Ost- und Westdeutschen zur Strafmaßangemessenheit. Als Vergleichsdatensatz zur eigenen Datenerhebung wird der ALLBUS aus dem Jahr 1991 verwendet. (xsd:string)
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  • In International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 22(Numbers 3-4), 373-392, 1999 (xsd:string)
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