  • In modern literature, the dependence of inequality estimates on the situation in which the individualis immersed, i.e. on some constellation of place and time circumstances which determines the degree of availability of vital benefits and opportunities, has been empirically confirmed. Experiencing and comprehending this situation exfoliates into experience, determines the modality of personally expressed value-colored judgments.exfoliated into experience, which determines the modality of personally expressed value-based judgments. In general, although the perception of inequality does not coincide with "reality", it remains significant regardless of this, as it can be the immediate motive for political action — protest voting in elections, participation in actions demanding a change in the current state of income and welfare. The article substantiates the approach to the perception of inequality as a self-sufficient factuality. The data obtained in the survey on the module "Social Inequality–V" of the International Social Research Project (ISSP) show that respondents are of different categorical assessment of inequality to two objects: the country as a whole and their specific life situation. Since the range of perception always manifests itself in the range from “deep inequality” to “non-recognition of inequality,” the social space is differentiated into “worlds of inequality” that do not coincide in scale. Based on the answers to the questions about the placement on specific levels of the social ladder, the financial situation of the family and belonging to a particular class, quantitative assessments of each of these worlds have been made. At the same time, the distribution over the "worlds of inequality" obtained in the quantitative survey is nothing more than an approximate assessment of the "real" stratification of Ukrainian society. The results of the correspondence analysis between the estimates of inequality and the 34 predictors of their passing have been described and interpreted. (xsd:string)
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  • Раз но об ра зие и от но си тель ная ав то ном ность пред став ле ний на се ле ния Укра и ны о со ци аль ном не ра ве нстве (Diversity and relative autonomy of the representation of the Ukrainian population about social inequality) (xsd:string)
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  • Bibsonomy (xsd:string)
  • In Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 3, 33-50, 2020 (xsd:string)
  • International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) (xsd:string)
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