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"This article tries to shed some light on a surprisingly rather under-researched topic: the judges at the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) and their careers. The paper starts with two short paragraphs depicting the popularity and power of the FCC (1.1) and an overview over the research on the Court (1.2), highlighting that it is at the moment a relatively one-dimensional research agenda that focuses on the thesis of a judicialization of politics. Yet, for a proper analysis of this assumption, but also for other research questions it is necessary to take a closer look at the composition of the FCC and thus at the individual judges. Especially with regard to the popularity of the FCC and its influential position within the German political system, it is relevant not only to focus on institutional characteristics of the Court - like most existing studies do - but to center more on the actors within the FCC. Subsection 1.3 picks up these arguments and makes a case for the study of complete careers of FCC judges. The second section contains prerequisites for the main analysis: subsection 2.1 visualizes basic organizational principles of the FCC that determine to some degree the composition of the Court as well as certain characteristics of the judges; in subsection 2.2 we present our newly compiled data set which consists of all judges that had been working at the FCC between its establishment in 1951 and 2013. We use sequence analyses techniques to exploit the data, as these methods give a more holistic picture of a judge's career. Subsection 2.3 gives a short introduction to sequence analysis. The main analysis is presented in the third section. There we first, take a look at the very last positions before being elected to the FCC (3.1), secondly, we use clustering algorithms to test whether there are distinct paths leading into the office of a FCC judge regarding the types of jurisdiction and the different levels of the German federal system the judges had previously worked in (3.2). The paper concludes with an overview of the results and an appraisal to what extent classic elite studies, works on the FCC and the method of sequence analysis can be fruitfully combined."Der ALLBUS-Datensatz von 2012 wird zur Darstellung des Vertrauens in die unterschiedlichen Institutionen verwendet.
Aufgenommen: 29. Fassung, März 2015
The unknown guys in the red robes - Analyzing the careers of judges at the German Federal Constitutional Court