"Trade unions are important organizations for a democratic and fair working life. They ensure that workers have a voice in what constitutes one of the most important areas of life, the sphere of salaried work. The democratic function of unions is of particular importance in respect to the younger generation. High youth employment and the proliferation of precarious employment and work represent serious threats to young workers' participation in working life, and therefore to young workers' participation in politics as well. This report represents the German case study of the EU-finance research project YoUnion. Its aim is to scrutinize German unions' efforts to organize young workers and represent their interests. Using case studies from the manufacturing sector and the IG Metall, we attempt to analyze innovative union approaches to organize the various groups considered to be 'young' and to represent their interests. We chose to concentrate our research on the manufacturing sector and the IG Metall for a number of reasons. Firstly, the IG Metall is still one of Germany's most influential and powerful unions, equipped with significant resources allowing the union to pursue an experimental approach. We expect the union to create considerable space for innovation within the German model of interest representation and the respective standard practices. Secondly, manufacturing belongs to one of the key sectors of the German export-driven economy and thus benefits particularly from the country's economic success in recent years. Firms cannot escape the competitive pressures but are not under acute rationalization pressures. Thirdly, according to our informants, the IG Metall is confronted with a particular 'representation gap' with respect to young workers. Whilst the union commands the necessary resources for innovative learning processes, they are at the same time confronted with the challenges that make innovation necessary." Die ALLBUS-Daten von 1994-2012 werden verwendet, um die Entwicklung der Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft von jungen ArbeitnehmerInnen im Zeitverlauf darzustellen.