  • This paper explores the reasons behind public acceptance of compulsory voting in Australia and canvasses some of the effects on political culture of its proper use. After providing some history and background to the Australian situation, the paper offers explanations for high public tolerance towards compulsory voting. The last part of the paper considers reforms to the Australian system that could enhance public tolerance still further. Findings will be useful to those contemplating the adoption of compulsory voting but who are concerned about public resistance. ISSP cited here: The International Social Survey Program 2005 Citizenship Survey found that when asked what they regarded as the most important marks of a good citizen Australians ranked highly (after voting and obeying the law) ‘never trying to evade taxes’. Such a ranking suggests that Australians have a strong sense of political community and a conviction that everyone should ‘make a fair contribution to financing collective societal resources’ (cited in Donovan et al. 2007: 61–2). Further, the International Social Survey 2005 Citizenship survey found that, while Australia is not alone in rating voting as the most important duty of a citizen, out of the 29 countries surveyed, Australia was ranked highest in its emphasis on voting as the mark of a good citizen. (xsd:string)
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  • Public Acceptance of compulsory voting: Explaining the Australian case (xsd:string)
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  • In Representation, 46(4), 425-438, 2010 (xsd:string)
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