  • "[...] The dissertation breaks down in three broad sections [...]. In Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, the research issue is presented and a theoretical framework is adopted. Basically, this is done by conceptualising political culture and national identity, i.e., singling out four dimensions of 'national identiy' to be analysed in subsequent sections. [..] The next section - consisting of Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 - is mainly descriptive. The post-war development in the two German states is outlined, using the four national identity dimensions as a frame of reference. The efforts of the East German regime to foster a distinct GDR identity are analysed, as well as the development of a (West) German identity in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949-89. [...] To some extent, microanalyses are in fact incorporated in the second section as well, but it is above all the third section of this book - Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 (unified Germany) - that deals with popular opinions. In this third section, each national identity dimension (history, territory, national culture and political values) is operationalised by a number of items or variables. The interesting thing is the development of these variables in the 1990s. [...] The whole point of tracing the roots of differences between East Germans and West Germans is to be able to say something about the prospects for the future, i.e., if contemporary Germany is facing inner unification or continued separation. [...]" In dieser Dissertation wird neben weiteren zahlreichen Datensätzen insbesondere der kumulierte ALLBUS 1980-1996 verwendet (xsd:string)
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