  • Much of the research based on crossnational surveys aggregates micro-data into countrywide means and percentages. This research often does not consider other important aggregates such as cultural or ethnic groups. In earlier publications, we have shown that this can lead to faulty inferences and to overlooking major sources of difference in attitudes and behavior associated with ethnicity (Silver & Dowley, 2000; Dowley & Silver, 2002a). Seligson (2002) similarly demonstrates the problem with aggregating individuals to a countrywide mean in much of the political culture literature, when within-country variance is greater than between-country variance on key indicators of political values. This article focuses on how three major crossnational survey projects address the issue of ethnicity. We rely on questionnaires and codebooks from the surveys as well as our own analyses of the datasets. The major crossnational survey data collections usually do include information about ethnicity in their survey protocols but they do so in an inconsistent way, and they have not given sufficient attention to ethnicity in the sample designs. As a result, users of the data are handicapped in what they might do with the data. By identifying the extent to which these data sets collect information on ethnicity, we hope to reveal and to evaluate the potential for theoretically driven hypothesis-testing concerning ethnic differences in political attitudes and behavior in crossnational research. At the same time, we hope to inform designers of the major collections how greater attention to ethnicity might improve the quality and usefulness of the data. (xsd:string)
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  • In International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 17(2), 226-238, 2005 (xsd:string)
  • Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) (xsd:string)
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