  • Although research suggests connections between a patient's spiritual and religious beliefs and practices (SRBP) and his/her mental health, and religion still seems to be relevant for many people in Norway, the actions for increasing competence within SRBP for psychologists seems to be insufficient. In order to examine what it means for a psychologist to have competencies in religion and spirituality in clinical practice, this thesis is based on the proposed framework of spiritual and religious competencies for psychologists provided by Vieten and colleagues (2013) and ASERVIC (Cashwell & Watts, 2010). Relevant literature and research is presented in three sections respectively the attitudes psychologists should be aware of and how to deal with these attitudes, the knowledge required for a basic understanding of SRBP, and what skills a psychologist should have as well as possible approaches when working with a patients SRBP in clinical practice. In this thesis I propose a conclusion that there is reason to assume that most graduated Norwegian psychologists may be able to engage in spiritually conscious care (Saunders, Miller, & Bright, 2010) in a competent manner (Kaslow, 2004) in clinical practice if they undergo basic training with regards to awareness of attitudes, increasing of knowledge and training of skills within SRBP as presented in this thesis. Although research conducted in the United States can contribute to the increasing of competence within SRBP for psychologists, more and similar research in Norway is required. (xsd:string)
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