"[...] this study of recent surveys found substantial differences between the two German regions once we descended from the heights of abstract support for democratic principles. Some of these differences are declining, some are remaining stable, some are increasing. Particularly important is the finding that eastern German support for democracy is still more specific than in western Germany- that is, there is more of a "what have you done for me lately?" dimension in the east. But this should not be surprising, considering the historical, social, and economic gap between the two regions. The lack of concrete experience with institutions and processes also explains the differences in political trust and national pride between the two regions. These differences, however, are not nearly as great as those found in the economic area. There are also signs of decreasing east-west differences among younger age groups, especially those with higher education levels. This suggests that convergence into a single integrated culture could be occuring selectively." Für seine Analyse verwendet der Autor u.a. Daten der ALLBUS - Erhebungen 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998 und 2000