  • This dissertation poses self-direction at work as an intervening variable to explain the effects of social class or social stratification upon tolerance of racial minorities. The theoretical foundation is the research by Mel Kohn and his collaborators that poses occupational self-direction as the intervening variable between social class or stratification and various aspects of psychological functioning. Kohn has proposed a learning generalization theory to explain the association between social stratification and his outcomes of interest. People learn modes of thought and behavior at their workplace, and then generalize those modes to other aspects of their lives. Kohn et al have found that people who experience little opportunity for self-direction at work tend to exhibit more conformity. Extending this theory, we can argue that people who experience more self-direction will be more tolerant of non-conformists in general, and of racial minorities in particular. Data are drawn from the 1989 General Social Survey. The method involves structural equation modeling. Confirmatory factor analysis is employed to construct measurement models for social stratification, worker self-direction, DOT self-direction, and racial tolerance. The worker self-direction latent factor employs subjective survey items as indicators of the concept. The DOT self-direction factor employs objective measures at the occupational level. Structural equation modeling is a family of statistical techniques that incorporates and integrates multiple regression, path analysis, factor analysis, and analysis of covariance, which can be construed as special cases of SEM. Confirmatory factor analysis of latent variables, and the correlations and indirect paths among concepts, indicators, and control variables are all modeled together utilizing comprehensive, full-information structural equation analyses. SEM itself can be construed as an extension of the general linear model (GLM) of which multiple regression is a part. SEM is more powerful in that it can take into account the modeling of interactions, nonlinearities, correlated independent variables, measurement error, correlated error terms, latent independent variables measured using multiple indicators, and latent dependent variables also using multiple indicators. Self-direction at work is a significant intervening variable between social class or stratification and racial tolerance. Objective indices of self-direction explain more of the association than subjective indices do. (xsd:string)
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  • Social_stratification (xsd:string)
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