PROTON D5.1 presents two agent-based models (ABMs), one on recruitment in organised crime network and the other on radicalisation and terrorist recruitment. The report presents each model in sequence, addressing the design of the models including their theoretical framework, state of the art, and model overview. It then outlines the calibration, validation, and sensitivity analysis of the models and the policy scenarios and their results. The PROTON-S models were built in an iterative participatory approach, applying findings from PROTON WP1-3, which included systematic reviews of the literature and provided strong empirical foundations for the models. Selected laboratory experiments have been used to help fill the gaps (see D4.1). Additionally, and unlike many previous ABMs on recruitment into organised crime and terrorism, extensive data are used to calibrate and validate the models. The hypotheses and assumptions underlying the PROTONS simulations are presented below and discussed in detail in the main text of the report.